2nd Grade Amazing Earth January Extreme Weather 2nd Grade Amazing Earth January Presentation should take about 15 minutes to allow ample time for the experiments. Some information is noted as optional and helps as background info for potential questions or additional information to share as time allows. Not everything in notes needs to be reviewed, so make it your own and have fun! Just keep an eye on the clock as the kids love the hands-on activities. Ask students to sit on the carpet so the activity can be set up at their desks. You may have to limit questions or the number of students who can answer a question if time runs short. Ask helpers to: familiarize themselves with the activities and goals set up during the presentation decide what station/role they are covering Thank you for making Amazing Earth possible!
What is Weather? The day to day conditions of the air wherever you are on the planet. Weather may be described as hot, sunny, windy, cloudy, rainy, snowy, humid, etc. ASK the students: what is weather? Then CLICK to advance the slide to reveal the bullet points
What is Extreme Weather? Any type of weather that is dangerous to people, animals or buildings The type of extreme weather people experience depends on where they live and what season or time of year it is Types of severe weather are: Hurricanes Tornadoes Blizzards Droughts Floods ASK the students: what is extreme weather? Then CLICK to advance the slide to reveal the bullet points Let’s take a quick look at each of these…
Hurricane Facts Most damaging type of storm on Earth Huge Slow moving Powerful High winds Heavy rain Hurricane winds blow in a circle Calm center is “the eye of the storm” Dangerous waves Floods Background/Optional Facts Huge – up to 400 miles wide covering several states Slow moving - last for over a week, moving 10-20 miles per hour over the open ocean Powerful - brings high winds, heavy rain, high waves, storm surge, and floods Wind speed ranges from 74 to over 155 miles/hour
Where do hurricanes usually form? Form out over the warmer ocean waters closer to the Equator Atlantic Ocean season is June thru November Fun Facts Storms are named alphabetically. The first storm of the year starts with the letter “A” Storms have male and female names like: Alberto Beryl Chris Debby Ernesto Use the map to show the students where hurricanes (called cyclones in the Indian Ocean and typhoons in Southeast Asia) typically form. Background/Optional Facts Form out over the warmer ocean waters closer to the Equator Typically between four to six destructive hurricanes in the US each year
The center of the tornado is the most dangerous part Tornado Facts A very violent and intense windstorm A spinning tube of air that touches both the ground and a cloud above It pick ups and destroys any object in its path Typically lasts less than 10 minutes Background/Optional Facts Tornadoes move at a speed of between 25 and 90 miles per hour The size of a tornado on the ground is about 25 to 50 yards - *25 to 50 yards equals the size of 1 or 2 Reston pools Wind speed 65 to 200-300 mph A tornado that occurs over water is called a waterspout. The center of the tornado is the most dangerous part
Where do tornadoes usually form? Found on every continent except Antarctica The most dangerous tornadoes in the world happen in the central US states, nicknamed ‘Tornado Alley” Background/Optional Facts Form where warm moist air and cold dry air meet So, which is worse a hurricane or tornado? Meteorologists say it depends on what you're comparing. While tornadoes may be more intense storms, hurricanes tend to stick around much longer, cover more ground and cause more damage. People who live in Tornado Alley build storm shelters beneath their homes
Blizzard Facts A blizzard is a long-lasting snowstorm that has: Strong winds Intense snow fall making it hard to see far Happen all over the world Background/Optional Facts A long-lasting snowstorm - at least 3 hours Strong winds - at least 35 mph Intense snow fall making it hard to see far Snow forms when warm air and cold air collide. If there is more cold air it creates snow if there is more warm air it will just rain.
Drought Facts A drought is a lack of precipitation (rain, snow) over a long time, usually one season or more Affects human, animals and plants: need water to live water to grow food use water in our daily life Happens all over in the world Background/Optional Facts Droughts happen anywhere in the world but mostly in areas without balanced weather (like the US Southwest)
Flood Facts A flood is the overflowing of water onto land that is normally dry Caused by: heavy rains when ocean waves come on shore when snow melts too fast when dams or levees break Floods are the most common and widespread weather disaster in the world Background/Optional Facts Flooding may happen with only a few inches of water, or it may cover a house to the rooftop. They can occur quickly or over a long period and may last days, weeks, or longer.
How and Why do Scientist Measure Weather? Scientists measure and record weather data to help us predict (forecast) future weather Types of weather instrument used to measure are: Weather Satellites Anemometer Thermometer – air temperature Anemometer – wind speed Weather vane – wind direction Weather satellite – track large-scale air movements (like hurricanes) Rain gauge – amount of precipitation Thermometer ASK: Does anyone know why scientists measure weather? ASK: Do you know the names of some of the tools scientist use or what the scientists are measuring? CLICK to reveal the bullet points and pictures. Pronounced “an·e·MOM·e·ter” Rain Gauge Weather Vane
Tornado & Hurricane Scales Using past weather data and storm outcomes, scientists created scales to explain what damage to expect. This information helps everyone prepare. Tornado scale ranges are EF 0-5 and Hurricanes are in Categories, CAT 1 to CAT 5. Actual FUJITA Scale for Tornadoes Funny Example of Hurricane Categories
Extreme Weather Activities Stay on the carpet to learn what we are doing Back at your desk we have two activities: Activity One: Tornado in a Bottle Activity Two: Make your own Weather Vane Tornado in a Bottle Make your own Weather Vane
Activity One: Tornado in a Bottle Each student has one turn to create the “tornado.” Here’s a demonstration… Turn the bottles so the water is on top Set it on the desk or hold it steady Place one hand in the middle and one hand on top Swirl the bottles about 3-5 times In seconds a “tornado” appears! Demonstrate how to make the tornado. See separate activity instructions sheet
Activity Two: Make your own Weather Vane 1) Decorate your lid and side of cup 3) Put pencil through lid and into Play-Doh 2) Place Play-Doh in bottom of cup 4) Glue square and triangle onto straw 5) Place pin through straw and into pencil eraser Finished weather vane LEAVE THIS SLIDE UP for reference See separate activity instructions sheet Updated 12/10/18