Welcome to the National Corn Yield Contest Supervisor Training Program As a supervisor, your integrity and attention to detail will contribute to the success of this year's contest. This learning tool will help you perform your duties as a National Corn Yield Contest Supervisor. 1
Understanding Your Role and Responsibilities During the Contest Over the years the contest has been recognized for its integrity and credibility which is due in large part to the network of local supervisors (you) who verify the accuracy of yields submitted for competition. 2
Supervisor Qualifications Be sure that you are qualified as a supervisor according to the definitions found in the box at the top of page five in the Harvest Rules. Click here to view the Harvest Rules * Questions or concerns regarding your position qualifications, contact NCGA:
2012 NCGA Corn Yield Contest Harvest Key Points: Carefully and legibly fill out all areas of the Harvest Form Get all required signatures The Entrant, Supervisor or interested party must mail the completed form and all original weight tickets to the NCGA office the earlier of seven days after the final yield check is taken or postmarked by December 3,
Section 1 of the Harvest Rules Be sure that you are familiar with Section 1 of the Harvest Rules. The contest area may be any shape, but it must be 10 continuous acres of the same Hybrid Brand and Hybrid Number. Be sure to verify the row lengths being harvesting. 5
Initial Yield Checks w/ one supervisor present If a yield check results in less than bushel per acre, NO recheck is required. An initial yield check of bushels per acre or more requires a recheck and two qualified supervisors must be present for this recheck. *Re-check may be conducted with the initial supervisor AND another NCGA approved supervisor or two new NCGA approved supervisors. 6
Initial Yield Checks w/ one supervisor present Contd… If the resulting yield is 300 or more bushels per acre a recheck is required with two NCGA approved supervisors *You must contact NCGA for approved supervisors. NCGA may assign the supervisor of the first check and one additional or assign two new supervisors.* (636) M-F 8:00 – 5:00PM CST (314) Weekends and Evenings 7
Initial Harvest with two Supervisors If the resulting yield is less than bushels per acre, NO recheck is required. If the resulting yield is or more bushels per acre a recheck is required with two NCGA Approved Supervisors. * You must contact NCGA for approved supervisors. NCGA may assign the supervisor of the first check and one additional or assign two new supervisors. * (636) M-F 8:00 – 5:00PM CST (314) Weekends and Evenings 8
Regardless of the Number of Supervisors or more bushels per acre on ALL INITIAL AND RECHECK yields require an immediate call to the NCGA office Do not complete harvest of remaining contest acres until confirmation is received from NCGA (636) M-F 8-5:00pm CST (314) Weekends and Evenings 9
Pre-Harvest Inspection The Supervisor(s) must have the entrant run the combine and the transfer auger empty to make certain no corn has been left in it by mistake. All wagons or trucks must be checked to make certain they are empty. All end rows/turning rows and the equal number of outermost rows on each side of the field may not be a part of the contest plot. 10
Supervisors must be present during: Harvesting Transporting Weighing Moisture Testing **The supervisors are responsible for overseeing all computations and field measurements. 11
Measuring The plot being harvested must be measured to determine its area, and all measurements must be made with one of the following: Tape Chain Measuring wheel GPS systems ARE NOT accepted as a measuring device 12
Measuring The measuring wheel can only be used when walking-it. Maintain good contact with the ground and avoid wheel skips. If possible, measure a distance with the wheel, and then check it with a tape to ensure that the wheel is accurate. Row lengths and row widths must be measured, recorded, and verified in accordance to the Harvest Rules. 13
How to Harvest the Plot Harvest one pass across the field Then skip three times the amount of rows harvested Harvest another pass until the required 1.25 or more acres have been harvested. Example: Four-row harvesterHarvest four rows, skip twelve, harvest four, skip twelve, repeat as needed Six-row harvesterHarvest six rows, skip eighteen, harvest six, skip eighteen, repeat as needed Eight-row harvesterHarvest eight rows, skip twenty-four, harvest eight, skip twenty-four, repeat as needed Twelve-row harvesterHarvest twelve rows, skip thirty-six, harvest twelve, skip thirty-six, repeat as needed 14
Calculating Yield Requires Row length Row width (spacing between planter rows) Number of rows harvested in one header pass Square feet in one acre (43,560) Moisture Percentage ** Remember to harvest enough total rows to meet the required minimum acreage of
Calculating Yield The Harvest Form provides the calculations that must be used to arrive at the harvest yield, carried out to four decimal places. Follow the formulas very carefully and recheck your answers to ensure accuracy. 16
Moisture Testing Run the corn sample through the moisture tester three different times. Re-calibrate the moisture tester between each sampling. Average the three moisture samples for a final moisture percentage **Moisture samples can either be listed on the harvest form or provided with the scale ticket attached to the harvest form. 17
Harvesting the Plot Contd After the required 1.25 acres or more have been harvested, and if the first yield check is 250 bushels or more per acre. The yield must be verified by a recheck of 1.25 acres or more using the initial harvest pattern in the rows next to the first check passes. Only If… One supervisor is present- Recheck required for all yields over bushels/acre Two supervisors are present-No Recheck required unless the yield is over bushels/acre *Over bushels also requires a call to the NCGA office* Both the first check and the recheck forms and weight tickets must be sent to the NCGA office. 18
In the Field… Develop a harvest plan with the entrant to prevent actions that may result in possible disqualification. Be observant of what is being done. Ask for clarifications to make sure you understand all harvest activities taking place. When possible, take the field measurements prior to harvest. 19
In the Field… All end rows/turning rows and the equal number of outermost rows on each side of the field can not be a part of the harvested area. Supervisors must inspect the field conditions to determine if tillage practices meet class qualifications. 20
In the Field… As the supervisor, you must remain with the wagons and/or trucks that will transport the crop at all times and keep them in sight. Make sure that the equipment you start the harvest check with is the same equipment you finish with. 21
In the Field… ***Remember all weigh wagons are prohibited.*** Grain must be weighed on state certified approved scale. All wagons and trucks must be inspected by you. Inspect them on the first check and the second check. Visually check to make sure the hopper and auger are empty. Have the operator run the machines to ensure they are empty. 22
At Weighing… Before the harvest sample is weighed, certify that a state-inspected scale with current inspection stickers attached will be used. Every time the grain is weighed, you as the supervisor, must be present. 23
Procedure Review Failure to follow any portion of the procedures may cause the entrant to be disqualified. It is the supervisor's responsibility to ensure that the rules are followed. 24
Procedure Review After harvesting, weigh the corn as soon as possible. As the supervisor, you must remain in visual contact with the corn throughout the entire transportation and weighing process. 25
Procedure Review Make sure that the scale used is a state-certified scale with a current inspection sticker. Attach the original weight ticket(s) to the Harvest Form. The ticket must have the name of the weighing company and the person who performed the weighing. 26
Procedure Review Moisture testing is an important part of the process. Test the sample three times, using an average of the three. Since the moisture percent must be indicated on the harvest form, you can either: Attach the moisture ticket to the harvest form or Write the moisture percent directly on the form. 27
Visual Pre-Harvest ___YES ___NO Planting practice match Entry class? ___YES ___NO End rows/turning rows pre-harvested? ___YES ___NO Harvester was ran to make certain no corn was mistakenly present? ___YES ___NO Is all transportation equipment empty? 2012 Supervisor Checklist
Visual Harvest ___YES ___NO Harvester was always in view? ___YES ___NO Transportation equipment always in view? ___YES ___NO Transfer of grain started & completed with supervisor present? ___YES ___NO A minimum of at least 1.25 acres were harvested 2012 Supervisor Checklist
Visual Post-Harvest ___YES ___NO Transporting of equipment was always in view when being moved to the scales? ___YES ___NO Viewed sample being taken for moisture & calculation completed? ___YES ___NO Scales are state certified? ___YES ___NO Observed all unloading weighing & dumping process? ___YES ___NO All required information & signatures on weight ticket? 2012 Supervisor Checklist
Other Considerations ___YES ___NO If measurement by wheel, was the calibrations checked? ___YES ___NO Were harvest rules provided by the entrant? 2012 Supervisor Checklist
Harvest Report Form In Summary, in order to complete the Entry for the National Corn Yield Contest, you must carefully and legibly fill all areas of the Harvest Form: Get all required signatures. The Entrant, Supervisor or interested party must mail the completed form and all weight tickets to the NCGA office the earlier of seven days after the final yield check as taken or postmarked by December 3,
Your role as a supervisor for the NCGA National Corn Yield Contest is important. Knowing the rules and carefully following them will help us recognize the best corn growers in the United States! If you have any further questions please call the NCGA Office: (636) M-F 8:00 – 5:00PM CST (314) Weekends and Evenings Thank you for your time and effort!!! 33