Solutions and Solubility
A solution is a homogenous mixture of 2 or more substances The solute is(are) the substance(s) present in the smaller amount(s). It gets dissolved. The solvent is the substance present in the larger amount. It does the dissolving. 12.1
TYPES OF SOLUTIONS SOLUTE SOLVENT EXAMPLE GAS Air LIQUID Seltzer (CO2) Antifreeze (ethyl glycol in water) SOLID Sea water ( salt in water) Charcoal filter (poisonous gases in carbon) Dental filling (mercury in silver) Sterling silver (copper in silver)
Alloys An alloy is a metallic solid solution composed of two or more elements. The elements are not chemically combined and can be separated by physical means (boiling point). Examples: Brass Stainless Steel Jewelry ‘Alloy Wheels’
TYPES OF ALLOYS ALLOY COMPONENT USES Babbitt Tin, antimony, copper Bearings Bell metal Copper, tin Bells Coinage metals Copper, tin, zinc Coins 16 karat gold Gold, copper, silver Jewelry Sterling Silver, copper Jewelry, flatware Nichrome Nickel, iron, chromium, manganese Heating elements
How do you know if something is dissolving and is becoming a solution or reacting? Dissolution vs reaction Ni(s) + HCl(aq) NiCl2(aq) + H2(g) dry NiCl2(s) Dissolution is a physical change—you can get back the original solute by evaporating the solvent. If you can’t, the substance didn’t dissolve, it reacted.
Soluble: when a solid or gas solute dissolves Insoluble: when solid or gas solute does not dissolve Miscible: Liquid solute dissolves in a liquid solvent Immiscible: liquid solute does not dissolve in liquid solvent
Types of Solutions
Unsaturated Solution Less than the maximum amount of solute for that temperature is dissolved in the solvent. Solvent can hold more No solid remains in flask.
Saturated Solution Solvent has reached its maximum holding capacity of solute at that temperature. Undissolved solid remains in flask. Dissolved solute is in dynamic equilibrium with solid solute particles.
Supersaturated Solution Solvent holds more solute than is normally possible at that temperature. This is done by heating up the solution and forcing it to hold more than its maximum. These solutions are unstable; crystallization can often be stimulated by cooling and or by adding a “seed crystal” or shaking / scratching the side of the flask.
SUPERSATURATED SOLUTION Solubility UNSATURATED SOLUTION more solute dissolves SATURATED SOLUTION no more solute dissolves SUPERSATURATED SOLUTION becomes unstable, crystals form increasing concentration