Midland International Elementary School
In addition to being a great school Midland is the only elementary school in District 11 to offer the International Baccalaureate (IB) Primary Years Program (PYP)
Just what is a PYP school? IBISS International Mindedness Best Practices Inquiry Second Language Instruction Service Learning
International-mindedness IB schools strive to create students who are internationally-minded. These are students who develop the character traits of the Learner Profile: Inquirer, knowledgeable, thinker, communicator, principled, open-minded, caring, risk-takers, balanced, and reflective.
Best Practices Best practices are methods of teaching and learning that are based on many years of research, observation, and investigation on how children learn best. PYP teachers receive additional training as a requirement of the IB to ensure implementation of these practices.
Inquiry Students and teachers learn by exploring, wondering, questioning, experimenting and playing with possibilities.
Second Language The International Baccalaureate requires all IB schools to provide instruction in a second language to all students. Midland provides Spanish as the second language and support for mother tongue.
Service Students, staff, and families are encouraged to be mindful of the needs of others and of learning taking place in the classroom. The school community is expected to take appropriate action and reflect on the results of this action.