Top tips for preparing for your Science mocks and GCSEs
Year 11 Mocks Nov 2018 Combined Science (Trilogy) 3 x papers: Biology, Physics, Chemistry Paper 1 content 1hr 15 mins each Chemistry topics: Atomic structure and the periodic table; Bonding, structure, and the properties of matter; Quantitative chemistry; Chemical changes Energy changes Biology topics: Cell Biology Organisation Infection and response Bioenergetics Physics topics: Energy Electricity Particle model of matter Atomic structure
Year 11 Mocks Nov 2018 GCSE Physics, GCSE Chemistry, GCSE Biology 3 x papers: Biology, Physics, Chemistry Paper 1 content 1hr 45 mins each Chemistry topics: Atomic structure and the periodic table; Bonding, structure, and the properties of matter; Quantitative chemistry; Chemical changes; Energy changes Biology topics: Cell Biology Organisation Infection and response Bioenergetics Physics topics: Energy Electricity Particle model of matter Atomic structure
Use Doddle to revise all the required practicals Top Tip 1: Use Doddle to revise all the required practicals Doddle has a mini quiz for every required practical Log on, click on KS4 Topics, then choose “practical quiz” in the drop down view box
Memorise the Physics equations and practise solving questions Top Tip 2: Memorise the Physics equations and practise solving questions The full list of equations will be put onto SMHW for you OR you can access them in Doddle Print them off to make them into flashcards and memorise them, testing yourself EVERY DAY Practise using them : log on and complete the Doddle quiz
Top Tip 3: Check you understand the meanings of the “working scientifically ” vocabulary You may already have been given this by your teacher It will be put onto SMHW before half term Read and familiarise yourself with the vocabulary
Top Tip 4: Buy a revision guide so you can spend your time practising questions NOT making notes GCP revision guides – available on Amazon or through GCP website Practise Paper 1 questions – specimen papers on AQA website: eg for Combined Science:
Top Tip(s) 5: Don’t panic Top Tip(s) 5: Don’t panic! Take it day-by-day Do a bit every day Mocks are there to help you practise and help us know how to support you
Top Tip 1: Use Doddle to revise required practicals Top Tip 2: Memorise physics equations and practise solving questions Top Tip 3: Know what working scientifically means Top Tip 4: Buy a revision guide – focus on answering questions, not note-taking Top Tip 5: Don’t panic – little by little