Unit 4 Day 1 Absolute Value Functions


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Presentation transcript:

Unit 4 Day 1 Absolute Value Functions

Warm-up: #1,2,3 on top of notes p.1 Habits change into character. — Ovid Left h Right h Up k Down k

Graph each function. Be as accurate as you can Graph each function. Be as accurate as you can. Remember to graph at least 5 points.

Graph each function. Be as accurate as you can Graph each function. Be as accurate as you can. Remember to graph at least 5 points.

Homework Answers Pg 25 a) A(2,6) B(2,12) C(-6,2) b) A(-3,-1) B(-6,1) C(-1,-3) c) A(-1,-3) B(-1,-6) C(3,-1) d) A(-1,3) B(-1,6) C(3,1) e) A(-3,-1) B(-6,-1) C(-1,3) 2. x=9, y=75°z=70° 3. x=4, y=6 4./5. x=11/4 6. Translation left 6 up 2 a) ASA b) ASA c) SAS d) SSS

Homework Answers Pg 26 8. (x+1)(3x+5) 9. 10. 11. 0 – if discriminant is negative 1 – if disciminant is zero 2 – if disciminant is positive 12. If the discriminant is negative it will have two imaginary solutions 13. Rational – when the discriminant is a perfect square 14. height: 53.64 ft time until impact: 2.42 sec 15. y=.75x2-7.5x+15.75 a) b) 17. x=21 18. (x-6)/3 = y 19. r=16%

Unit 4 Day 1 Absolute Value Functions

Graphing Absolute Value Notes p. 1 A function of the form f(x) = | mx + b | + c, where m≠0 is an absolute value function.   Let’s play in our calculator with graphing absolute value functions. Graph the following in your calculator, use the list function to plot points and sketch the graph. Let’s do #1 together! 1. y = | x | -x x Use the Document Camera to fill in table, etc.

Graphing Discovery Notes p. 1 – 2 #2-10 Use the Document Camera to fill in table, etc.

Discuss Discovery #7, 9, 10 Use the Document Camera to fill in table, etc.

Complete Graphing Discovery Notes p. 2 – 3 Use the Document Camera to fill in table, etc.

Moves up (+) or down (-) Reflect over x-axis If a > 1 vertical stretch If a < 1 vertical compression Moves left (+) or right (-)

Classwork / Homework HW Packet p. 1, 2 Try p.1 #13-21 odd first! You can graph with your calculator Use the table to plot points Information about tomorrow: If there is still time have the class start on the Day 6 homework.