Themes in the spotlight A range of user-friendly infographics Dissemination Working Group Agenda Point 08 15/11/2016 ESTAT.B4 – J. Urhausen, C.Morillo, A;na Maqueda
Cover a broad range of subjects Overview Created in March 2015 (63 published) User-friendly, small infographics Linked to Eurostat ad-hoc news releases Different Types Dynamic /Static Cover a broad range of subjects Different statistical themes European/International Days Special events (EU presidencies) These data visualisations intend to provide you a quick and easy-understandable overview of the presented statistics. The data visualisations are normally accompanied by some interesting facts and figures as well as links to further statistics & information on the same topic. You can find a list of all pages published in Previous.
Technical specificities (dynamic infographics) Connected to web services (when possible) Responsive Possibility of translation We can provide the whole package to the MS
European Statistics Day 3561 views
Internet use of Young Europeans 6429 views
Tourism in the EU 5371 views
Consumer price levels in the EU 5198 views
Slovakian presidency of the EU 3173 views
for your attention