Elaine H. Morrato, DrPH MPH Program Director Innovation Ecosystem Partnering for Innovation Value Optimization and Accelerated Translation (PIVOT) Elaine H. Morrato, DrPH MPH Program Director
CCTSI Organizational Structure
Our academic innovation ecosystem. CSU Institute for Biological and Translational Therapies Rich, multi-faceted Institutional leadership support (investment and re-investment): CU AMC Chancellor and CSU President; Children’s and UCHealth Innovation Centers Engaged-customer-centered “tech transfer” offices: CU Innovations + CSU Ventures State funding support: Colorado Office of Economic Development and International Trade (OEDIT) – Colorado Advanced Industries Accelerator (104 bioscience companies funded)
Our overarching strategic approach. CCTSI’s Value Proposition: Workforce training (I-Corps) Navigator Resource multiplier Culture change agent Workforce training: I-Corps Multiplier:(CU AMC Innovations + CSU Ventures + CU Boulder)
PIVOT Specific Aims 2018-2023 Aim 1. Develop the Workforce. Catalyze an academic entrepreneur culture and skillset Approach Expanding the reach of I-Corps@CCTSI to CCTSI members Fostering entrepreneurial networking Demonstrating career trajectories for faculty and graduate students who are clinical and translational science innovators Innovation I-Corps@NCATS Network-in-a-Network approach in collaboration with the NSF I-Corps national network Sponsoring an annual entrepreneur networking event with ecosystem partners (academic and non-academic)
PIVOT Specific Aims 2018-2023 Aim 2. Develop Discoveries. Accelerate the development of commercializable innovation. Approach I-Corps Customer Discovery Seed Grants (up to $2,500) Co-promotion of I-Corps and Team Science training for innovation teams receiving other CCTSI pilot awards. Innovation Incentivizing national customer discovery Evaluating the ‘dose effect’ of CCTSI training-awards
PIVOT Specific Aims 2018-2023 Aim 3. Demonstrate Impact. Accelerate health impact by connecting investigators to resources for commercialization mentorship, domain expertise, and accelerator funding. Approach Facilitate “warm hand-off’s” from I-Corps@CCTSI Strengthen collaborations and bi-directional referral network with CU Innovations and CSU Ventures Innovation CU Innovations and CSU Ventures programs: mentorship, domain expertise and accelerator funding
New Governance Structure CCTSI 3.0 Expansion Our organizational theme is leveraging synergies and collaborations. Dr. Elaine Morrato, CCTSI Dissemination Core Director, is also the CCTI Innovation Ecosystem (I-Corps) director, ACCORDS D&I scientist and Dissemination lead for the ACT Network. Dr. Bethany Kwan, CCTSI Dissemination Core Associate Director is also the CCTSI QPIP Director and ACCORDS Education lead and D&I scientist, and co-lead of the Data Science to Patient Value initiative’s dissemination core. She brings health care system emphasis.
Accomplishments I-Corps@CCTSI 5 training cohorts. 45 teams across the spectrum. High immediate value-satisfaction for teams Mean Satisfaction = 8.9/10 Net Promoter Score = 58% Evaluation: Capturing the learning story. YouTube video
Accomplishments I-Corps@CCTSI Longitudinal Follow-Up: Qualitative interviews Key Take-Away: Optimal time to participate is “early” at the idea generation or design phase
Accomplishments I-Corps@CCTSI Customer Discovery Seed Grants Purpose: Stimulate further customer discovery. Expand horizons. Innovation Discovery Plan Drug delivery system American Society of Gene and Cell Therapy Annual Meeting Surgical device Mayo Clinic Interactive Surgery Symposium EHR-digital health Patient stakeholder engagement at national conference Analytic device Consultant services to gain more insight in the multiphoton microscopy research market and the LIDAR scanner market. CTR mentorship education service Development of short video to test market interest, relevance, and perceived value Surgical robotic systems Digestive Disease Week Added Research Value: Preliminary data Publishable learning
Accomplishments I-Corps@CCTSI Launching 1st training cohort in Spring 2019! Working in partnership Lindsey Linke, PhD ME bioentrepreneur, research faculty, and CSU graduate David Paterson, PhD New Assistant VP for research, Distinguished pharmaceutical industry background Lindsey Linke: Biomedical Engineering, Molecular Biology and Immunology https://www.sivecbiotechnologies.com/ antiviral products for the rapid prevention of economically important diseases. SiVEC’s patent pending antiviral technology, SiVEC-AIV™, can be rapidly applied as a large-scale aerosol to prevent avian flu in poultry, thereby significantly reducing the economic impact of this disease worldwide. David Paterson: https://source.colostate.edu/new-assistant-vp-for-research-brings-distinguished-industry-background/
Accomplishments Advancing the Science Poster presentation at the 11th Annual Conference on the Science of Dissemination and Implementation in Health, 2018. The Innovation-Corps (I-Corps™) Training Program: Building D&I Capacity and Creating Stronger Value Propositions for Scaling Up and Sustaining Health Innovation In progress. Manuscript submission on the Colorado Experience to the Journal of Clinical and Translational Sciences.
National CTSA Consortium Involvement I-Corps@NCATS Development Team UAB CTSA Supplement 9 participating CTSA’s In process. Robust mixed methods evaluation – direct observation of fidelity to the NSF I-Corps curriculum; participant survey; and qualitative interviews Future direction. Proposal to formally establish and sustain I-Corps@NCATS as a regional I-Corps (network within a network)
Accomplishments Connecting investigators to resources Strengthening intentional bi-directional referral-support End-of-I-Corps “Where do I go next?” panel Integrating I-Corps referrals with CCTSI pilot programs Referrals to/from CU Innovations… adding CSU and CU Boulder CU Innovations co-promotion – e.g., I-Corps ListServ For 2019: Innovation Ecosystem Theme for our CU-CSU Summit (kicking off the PIVOT Council concept)
Response to EAC Critiques “The value of the PIVOT and I-Corps programs was well articulated … It would be helpful to clearly describe plans in place that would allow some of the proceeds from downstream events related to IP to come back to these CTSI programs that foster the ecosystem.” CU AMC Chancellor verbal commitment to sponsor up to 2 qualifying I-Corps@CCTSI teams for the national NSF program per year (up to $100,000). Open to further conversation.
Questions for EAC What models do you recommend we consider for allowing some of the proceeds from downstream events related to IP to come back to the CTSI programs that foster the ecosystem? What should be ‘fair share’? Some thoughts … Underwriting CCTSI PIVOT programs (general support) Sponsorship of I-Corps teams to Nationals Sponsorship of shared events - networking, hack-a-thon’s Entrepreneur ‘mini-sabbatical’ fellowships Percent of individual proceeds back to the CCTSI (1-to-1 mapping back to individual IP)