December 3rd - December 7th, 2018 Mrs. Jensen’s News December 3rd - December 7th, 2018 We are learning! This week we read fairy tales and did some comparing and contrasting. Our favorite stories were THE GINGERBREAD MAN and THE GINGERBREAD GIRL! Reading these stories seemed to make everyone hungry. We studied the letter Ss and the /s/ sound at the beginning and end of words. We also practiced the sight words: have, is, we, me & jump. In math, we focused on SOLID shapes. We hunted around the room to find cylinders, spheres, cones and cubes. We made Christmas trees in art and hung them up in our hallway. We will be singing for the residents at the St. Francis Nursing Home before Christmas break. We have been practicing Christmas songs and can’t wait to spread some holiday joy to the residents! Please dress your child for the weather and label all their clothing! We go outside everyday before school and at recess unless it is below zero. Library books need to be returned every Thursday. GREATNESS WORD: Organized Important Dates Dec. 12th – Early Out @ 1:20 Dec. 14th – Gingerbread Houses *Please send candy or snacks to decorate with by Dec. 12th. We’ll be sharing everything! (gum drops, fruit loops, choc. chips, etc.) Dec. 18th– 2:00 & 6:30 Christmas Program Dec. 21st -January 1st - No School Homework Encourage your child to write sentences using the sight words. Be “sound detectives” and listen for the /s/ sound at the beginning and end of words. Count by 10’s to 100. Practice counting to 100. Mrs. Jensen