School of Law Oxfam Junior Lawyers Against Poverty Action 4 Justice Hackathon December 2017 Hosted by Oxford Brookes School of Law
Junior Lawyers Against Poverty at Oxford Brookes Vision: to build a global community of lawyers to relieve poverty through access to justice Brookes JLAP 60+ student members History: LAP close affiliation with Oxfam founder of LAP and with Oxford LAP; two student members on national steering committee of JLAP, research for project on women and law, hosted academic seminar: potential for links with under-resourced law schools 60+ members – difficulty of managing project for significant number of students across programmes, with demands of courses: Hackathon – one-off event, time limited, situated away from exams and after coursework submission
Hackathon Who: School of Law undergraduate, postgraduate students, academic colleagues, legal professionals, land rights and women’s rights groups, website designer
Hackathon What: 12 hour event to build content for Action 4 Justice website on land rights and women’s rights Content: required ID of relevant law and cases, provision of reliable links for further information and to relevant research
Hackathon How: legal research skills, information verified by academics/legal professionals, input into website
Aim To see that they can make a difference using their legal skills and engage with social justice issues Law in the context of assistance to those without access to lawyers but able to use internet. So building an internet connection for those persons in Uganda for example who need to know about their land rights
Added Benefits Impact on employability Example Application of legal research skills Team work Students from different year groups and programmes working together on a joint cause and project Engagement with wider community Added sense of maturity and purpose Eager to repeat it!
What we did!