Advanced Networking Collaborations at SLAC Presented by Warren Matthews at the ESCC Meeting, BNL, NY, June 2001
Overview Theme: Internet2 Collaboration Monitoring High Performance PingER, Surveyor, RIPE, AMP, NIMI, IPEX High Performance QoS, Web100 and QBSS IPv6 VoIP, International, E2E
SLAC and Internet2 SLAC’s primary internet connection is with ESnet SLAC also has connection to Stanford Route to CalREN/Abilene sites Involved with several I2 Working Groups Also experimental connection to NTON
PingER Ping End-to-end Reporting With HEPNRC/FNAL And many local administrators (including I2) 32 Monitoring sites in 14 countries Coming soon: Africa 434 Remote sites in 73 countries
Surveyor Advanced Network and Services Inc Widely deployed in Internet2 One-way delay measurement Synchronized by GPS UDP packets
RIPE-TT Reseaux IP Europeens (RIPE) NOC Similar to Surveyor UDP packets SLAC involved in original deployment Now production service Working on statistical analysis with statistician from IBM.
AMP Active Monitoring Project NLANR Ping Monitoring Many HPC award Sites (Internet2) Several sites outside U.S.
NIMI National Internet Measurement Infrastructure NIMI box at SLAC since 1998 Deploy Active Internet Measurement for ESnet (AIME) Advanced Monitoring Schedule tests Detailed characterization of links
IPEX Cross Industry Working Team (XIWT) Passive Monitoring Project developed by AT&T Research Funded by DARPA Hire a student if the lawyers can agree on the contract
High Performance NTON Large windows and multiple streams Caltech GSFC 2.4Gbps Large windows and multiple streams Achieved 100MBps Caltech BaBar Monte Carlo Production GSFC GLAST Data
QoS With Daresbury Lab in UK Internet2 Project BaBar plans Tier-1 site at RAL Congestion exists transatlantic US->UK Implement CAR on Janet NY Router
Qbone Scavenger Service Less than Best Effort Trickle data to Tier-1 sites without impacting other services Application or Router sets bits to mark packets Currently ignored by network Implemeted on dorm network at two Universities
Web100 Development by NCAR and PSC Optimize TCP parameters Modifications to Linux Kernel Alpha 0.2 released Upcoming workshop SLAC, LBL and ORNL evaluators
IPv6 SLAC, FNAL, ORNL, ESnet Internet2 IPv6 Working Group Recent workshop Most effort in the core Deploy machines and services Make data available
VoIP SLAC Deployed Voice-over-IP Inter-lab via ESnet Testbed Nortel PBX, Cisco 3640 Inter-lab via ESnet Testbed CERN, DESY via regular routing I2 Working group formulating plan Implement dialing plan
International HENP covers the whole world ESnet International and Internet2 International Groups Keep track of networks carrying HENP traffic. Arena
End-to-end Initiative IEPM not particularly E Mostly WAN Some LAN I2 End-to-End Initiative Les attended kick-off meeting
Summary A lot of common ground between ESCC Community and Internet2 Universities A lot of useful work need to build on it Need to implement findings better
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