self-paced eLearning series Community, Focusing on Student Records
A Laptop or Tablet can also be used as a 2nd screen Optimize your eLearning environment! A Laptop or Tablet can also be used as a 2nd screen Connect a 2nd Monitor to your Computer Open your eLearning lesson on one, And Login to Solana on the other. As you complete the lesson, navigate Solana to the appropriate location and see it in real time!
Community, Focusing on Student Records During this lesson you will be asked to follow along in your Solana environment and complete a series of exercises. Please allow approximately 35 minutes to complete the course. ‘Creating Menus’ was the previous lesson in the series.
Navigating the Lesson To advance to the next slide, use the Right Arrow, Enter or Spacebar. Use the Left Arrow to go back. Hit Esc to exit the lesson.
Following this Lesson You will be able to: Look up Students and Groups of Students Find Students using filtering criteria and Save Views Merge Student records and Create Groups
Community, Focusing on Student Records Key Topics An introduction to Community and Student lookup Filtering Student lookups and Creating Views Merging Records, Creating Groups and Customizing Columns ***Font Size 40 & 22 - Corbel
An introduction to Community and Student lookup Community is where you’ll work with Student and Adult records including: Student and Adult lookup and account information Households (important for Direct Certification extensions) Processing Free & Reduced Applications Creating and sending Letters Creating your Verification Pool Hover over Community on the Main Menu to see it’s submenus. This lesson will focus on the features of the Student Records. Wrap up the topic *User Groups have identical rights that are all ON by default *Rights can be edited for each User Group *New User Groups can be created as needed Click Student Records to open the page.
Let’s review the many features of the Student Records screen. An introduction to Community and Student lookup Let’s review the many features of the Student Records screen. Look Up Students by entering School, ID, First Name or Last Name. Typing in a partial value will search anywhere in the data. For example, ‘ad’ will find everyone with a first name of Adam and everyone with the last name of Adams. To quickly find Kelly Aldridge, type ‘ke al’. Wrap up the topic *User Groups have identical rights that are all ON by default *Rights can be edited for each User Group *New User Groups can be created as needed
An introduction to Community and Student lookup To select all the records from your search, check the box next to School. To select some of the records, uncheck to top box and select individual records. This can be helpful for Creating Groups and Sending Letters; as we’ll see later in the lesson. Wrap up the topic *User Groups have identical rights that are all ON by default *Rights can be edited for each User Group *New User Groups can be created as needed
An introduction to Community and Student lookup Double-Clicking on a record will bring up snapshot of that Student. Selecting More Details brings up detailed Student information that we’ll cover in another lesson. Wrap up the topic *User Groups have identical rights that are all ON by default *Rights can be edited for each User Group *New User Groups can be created as needed
An introduction to Community and Student lookup Time to exercise! Log into Solana, take a self-guided tour and log out again. Repeat 3 times! Search for Students by entering the first couple of letters of their first and last name. Helpful Hints! Searching with just a couple of letters will return any record that contains those letters anywhere in the name.
An introduction to Community and Student lookup Time to exercise! Log into Solana, take a self-guided tour and log out again. Repeat 3 times! Double-Click on a line to bring up the Student snapshot on the righthand side of the page. Helpful Hints! Clicking on More Details brings up the detailed Student Information page.
Understand the functions of Community in Solana An introduction to Community and Student lookup Key Takeaways Understand the functions of Community in Solana Be familiar with the several ways to Search for Students Know how to select a group of Students following a Search Wrap up the topic *User Groups have identical rights that are all ON by default *Rights can be edited for each User Group *New User Groups can be created as needed Next up, Filtering Student lookups and Creating Views
Filtering Student lookups and Creating Views Next , we’ll take a look at the Add Student, Filter and More functions. Click + to enter new Students. Most of your student records will be importing from your Student Information System and you should only use this option if you don’t import. Click Students to return to the Student Records page. Wrap up the topic *User Groups have identical rights that are all ON by default *Rights can be edited for each User Group *New User Groups can be created as needed
Filtering Student lookups and Creating Views Click the filter icon to bring up the Filter Column Click the dropdown Arrow for a list of Filtering criteria. Your visible columns will be available for filtering. A little later, You’ll learn how to add or remove columns. Wrap up the topic *User Groups have identical rights that are all ON by default *Rights can be edited for each User Group *New User Groups can be created as needed
Filtering Student lookups and Creating Views In this example, we’ve entered Balance Less Than -5 (-$5.00) To create a list of all Students with less than negative $5 on their account. Wrap up the topic *User Groups have identical rights that are all ON by default *Rights can be edited for each User Group *New User Groups can be created as needed
Filtering Student lookups and Creating Views You can Add or Remove additional criteria. You can have multiple criteria, as many as you need to refine your search. This can be very helpful when generating letters and creating groups as well as for Saved Views, our next topic. Wrap up the topic *User Groups have identical rights that are all ON by default *Rights can be edited for each User Group *New User Groups can be created as needed
Filtering Student lookups and Creating Views In this example, we’ll Save a New View , Low Balance Letter using the filters from our previous example. Click Save as New View. Click Reset to Default View to turn off the previously selected View. The View is now available by clicking the dropdown arrow. Wrap up the topic *User Groups have identical rights that are all ON by default *Rights can be edited for each User Group *New User Groups can be created as needed Enter the view name and click Save
Use the Filter criteria to create a Low Balance search. Filtering Student lookups and Creating Views Time to exercise! Log into Solana, take a self-guided tour and log out again. Repeat 3 times! Use the Filter criteria to create a Low Balance search. Helpful Hints! You can add as many criteria as you need to refine you’re search.
Select a Saved View. Then, Reset to Default View. Filtering Student lookups and Creating Views Time to exercise! Log into Solana, take a selfuided tour and log out again. Repeat 3 times! Select a Saved View. Then, Reset to Default View. Helpful Hints! You can add as many criteria as you need to refine you’re search.
Ability to add Filter Criteria to refine a Search Filtering Student lookups and Creating Views Key Takeaways Ability to add Filter Criteria to refine a Search Use of filter variables (Less Than, Equal To) to modify a Search Understanding Saved Searches Wrap up the topic *User Groups have identical rights that are all ON by default *Rights can be edited for each User Group *New User Groups can be created as needed Next up, Merging Records, Creating Groups and Customizing Columns
Merging Records, Creating Groups and Customizing Columns Click on the ‘3 dots’ for More options We’ll work with E-mailing and Printing Letters and ID Cards in a separate lesson. Wrap up the topic *User Groups have identical rights that are all ON by default *Rights can be edited for each User Group *New User Groups can be created as needed Locate the students records to merge and check the boxes on the left. Click Merge Records. Check keep for the record you want to keep and then click Merge. Adjust the PIN in Student Record Details (lesson available) as needed.
Merging Records, Creating Groups and Customizing Columns Click on Create Group Wrap up the topic *User Groups have identical rights that are all ON by default *Rights can be edited for each User Group *New User Groups can be created as needed When you create a Group, the Group is available to cashiers on the POS terminals. For example, you serve the same group of students breakfast when coming off the buses. First use the checkboxes on the left to choose the records you need. Create group by entering the Group Name, assign it to a School Type or individual schools and click Create.
Merging Records, Creating Groups and Customizing Columns You can add and remove columns. Any visible column can be used for filtering. For example, show Status to filter for Active and Inactive records. Click on Columns Check the criteria you wish to display. Wrap up the topic *User Groups have identical rights that are all ON by default *Rights can be edited for each User Group *New User Groups can be created as needed
Merging Records, Creating Groups and Customizing Columns In this example, we’ve chosen ID, Last Name, First Name, Classroom and Grade. This can now be Saved as a New View. Wrap up the topic *User Groups have identical rights that are all ON by default *Rights can be edited for each User Group *New User Groups can be created as needed
Merging Records, Creating Groups and Customizing Columns Time to exercise! Log into Solana, take a self-guided tour and log out again. Repeat 3 times! Use Columns to add or remove Columns from the Students page. Helpful Hints! Merging Records and Creating Groups do not make good exercises on live data! Only perform these as needed.
Know how and why to Merge Records Navigating the Student Page Key Takeaways Know how and why to Merge Records Understand Groups and how they’re used. Be able to add or remove columns from the Students page Wrap up the topic *User Groups have identical rights that are all ON by default *Rights can be edited for each User Group *New User Groups can be created as needed
Congratulations, You’ve completed your 1st Community lesson! You can now: Lookup Students and choose subsets of those Students Find Students using Filters and saving it as a View Merge Records and Create Groups
Thanks again for your time and effort. It’s appreciated!