Disaggregating TELPAS Data Alicia Alvarez-Calderón -Director for Bilingual/ESL Programs Kerry Haupert – Assistant Director for Bilingual/ESL Programs
English Language Proficiency Standards Reading Listening Speaking Writing Chapter 74 of TAC Developed in 2006 Replaced ESL standards Standards of English Language Development for ELs Shall be implemented in all content areas K – 12 ELPS
Language Proficiency Test These types of tests usually have 2 purposes: To determine the degree in which a bilingual child can speak, understand, read and write each of his/her languages, and To determine the degree in which a bilingual child has enough mastery in either of his/her languages to carry out a task.
Proficiency Assessment vs Standard-Based Assessment What is the difference between a proficiency assessment and a standard-based assessment (STAAR)? Writing Test and the PLDs
Reading Listening Writing Speaking Proficiency Levels Advance High Intermediate Beginning Listening Writing Speaking Look at the LIAG for proficiency levels (PLDs)
Factors for not making progress:
Factors for not making progress:
Factors for not making progress:
Factors for not Making Yearly Progress Brainstorm with a partner what could be some factors that may affect student progress in second language acquisition.
Factors for not Making Yearly Progress Lack of teacher preparation Knowledge of student background and data Owning the responsibility of educating every English Learner Conducive environment for testing Understanding the importance of the test Not having a strong foundation in their native language (L1) Stability – from school to school from program to program Lack of previous education Lack of support at home because they don’t know the language
What to Look for in the Classroom… Opportunities for students to talk, write and practice expressive language. Linguistic accommodations. https://projects.esc20.net/page/elps.home https://docs.google.com/document/d/15Hy27vTaY4y-ln-nxLYq1xnpVsJsAWsBQUKbucVA-uQ/edit
Let’s Reflect In analyzing TELPAS data, How might you work with your teachers to help them understand the importance of their TELPAS data?