LAMAS Working Group 19-21 June 2017 Agenda Item 2.10 Ad-hoc subject for 2022 Eurostat
Background With the new legal basis a module with an ad-hoc subject is scheduled for 2022: subject has to be set in 2017. In the first quarter of 2017, Eurostat consulted the Commission DGs to propose topics relevant for their policy. Eurostat received 6 proposals with short description of policy interest, data needs and partly existing empirical approaches. Assessment criteria should be: Policy relevance Statistical significance Methodological feasibility in a household survey Topic can sensibly be covered by 11 variables Eurostat
Proposals Topic Proposed by 1 Regulated professions DG ECFIN / DG GROW 2 Pay Components and reasons for earnings gaps DG JUST 3 Gig-economy, digitalization and employment conditions 4 Discrimination at work 5 Collaborative economy DG EMPL 6 Job skills Eurostat
Assessment Topic Assessment Eurostat LAMAS EoV Regulated professions Methodologically feasible Unclear connection to policy interest: removing limitations of regulated professions Would fill at maximum 4 out of 11 variables Questionable value added Doable but not really suited for LFS 0 % Pay Components Problematic to collect through the LFS Adds high burden to respondents not feasible to collect in LFS 3 % Discrimination at work Subjective and sensitive questions; especially problematic in proxy situations Low statistical incidence + underreporting Not suitable for LFS 12 % Eurostat
Assessment Topic Assessment Eurostat LAMAS EoV Gig-economy Feasible in a household survey; existing experiences Fits well into one module Statistical relevance a bit unclear In principle suitable for an LFS module 35 % Collaborative economy Analogous assessment as for 'gig-economy' Existing comparable surveys hint at statistical relevance Topic is feasible ideally combined with 'gig-economy' Job skills Appropriate complexity for a household survey, caveats regarding proxy interview existing empirical experiences for measurement Fits well into a module Suitable for LFS with developmental work necessary 68 % Eurostat
LAMAS is asked to: agree on proposing to the DSS (October 2017) "job skills" as the topic for the LFS 2022 module on ad-hoc subject