Community Charters and Cultural Heritage Neighbourhood Plans Community Charters and Cultural Heritage Mothiur Rahman
What is “cultural heritage”? The Falkirk Inquiry Community Values-based planning Neighbourhood Plans?
Creating a Community Charter: What values, beliefs and aspirations do we share? What do I enjoy about living here and why? What are the local places in the landscape that are important to me and why? When I was considering buying a house here, what did I picture? How would we like our children to enjoy this place in 20 years’ time? CBM production here in Falkirk is a concern for me because....'
“Our children and that which promotes their wholesome development” What are our Community’s Assets? What do we collectively value and need to protect? “Our children and that which promotes their wholesome development”
What are our Community’s Assets? What do we collectively value and need to protect? “Our homes as our sanctuary” “The diversity and stability of our local Ecosystem”
Council of Europe Framework Convention on the Value of Cultural Heritage for Society resources inherited from the past a reflection and expression of … constantly evolving values, beliefs, knowledge and traditions all aspects of the environment resulting from the interaction between people and places
Is this a “Material Consideration”? The Development Plan Environmental Impact Assessment Directive Draft EIA Directive Zanoni Amendments Recital 11: cultural heritage Recital 12(d): Member States to give guidance
Falkirk - Adversarial Our Cultural Heritage is being harmed ?
Common Cause ( Community Charters Consumers v Citizens Common Cause ( "We are all shaped by our culture. Culture is a key influence in shaping our view of the world and our sense of responsibilities within it […]”
Neighbourhood Plans Building “Evidence Base” National Planning Policy Framework Charter as part of “Vision and Aims”? Sustainability Appraisal – how do the proposals affect our “Cultural Heritage”?
Promoting “cultural heritage” The Falkirk Inquiry Locally-led “values-based planning” Neighbourhood Plans?
Thank you! Mothiur Rahman