Fig. 6 ROC curves of mCCNA1 and mVIM assayed on esophageal balloon samplings of the distal esophagus. ROC curves of mCCNA1 and mVIM assayed on esophageal.


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Presentation transcript:

Fig. 6 ROC curves of mCCNA1 and mVIM assayed on esophageal balloon samplings of the distal esophagus. ROC curves of mCCNA1 and mVIM assayed on esophageal balloon samplings of the distal esophagus. (A) mCCNA1, n = 36 controls and 50 cases. (B) mVIM, n = 36 controls and 50 cases. AUC and the sensitivity and specificity of the assays at the indicated cutpoints are listed for each graph, with the cutpoint value of percent methylation that defines a positive test denoted by “At >.” Helen R. Moinova et al., Sci Transl Med 2018;10:eaao5848 Published by AAAS