Why did the Confederates lose the war? 2J America: A Nation Divided, c1845–1877
Why did the Confederates lose the war? UNDERTAND some of the key reasons behind the Confederate defeat EXPLAIN why these reasons led to the defeat EVALUATE what the main reason was behind the Confederate defeat Key Words:
What reasons contributed to the Confederate’s failure? To help us start picking out different reasons, we need to have a look back over the war and see what contributed to some of the key turning points in the war. First we need to identify the key turning points and how significant they are. TASK: Identify your top 3 turning points Explain why each is a more significant turning point List the factors/impact of these battles help explain the reason for the Confederate loss? Rank each battle on your battles hand out /5 based on how far it was a turning point UNDERTAND some of the key reasons behind the Confederate defeat EXPLAIN why these reasons led to the defeat EVALUATE what the main reason was behind the Confederate defeat
Was the cause of Confederate defeat internal, or external? The key historiographical debate about the Civil War in general, is whether the cause of Confederate defeat external, or internal… INTERNAL: breakdowns in Confederate leadership, both political and military, and errors on the battlefield. EXTERNAL: military might of the Union, Lincoln’s wartime leadership, and Union general-ship. Internal External TASK: Now that you have started to understand the different reasons, put them into one of the two columns and add anymore reasons that you can think of. UNDERTAND some of the key reasons behind the Confederate defeat EXPLAIN why these reasons led to the defeat EVALUATE what the main reason was behind the Confederate defeat
Was the cause of Confederate defeat internal, or external? Missed Confederate Opportunities Military Leadership Too attack minded? Guerrilla warfare Focus too much on Virginia Western Commanders Confederate will Lack of nationalism Religious doubts Slavery qualms Division of the Confederacy Confederate Women Robert E. Lee Confederate Leadership (Davis) Skill of the Union Generals Strength of the Union Will Union Leadership (Abraham Lincoln) Emancipation Proclamation TASK: Add any you have missed in green pen UNDERTAND some of the key reasons behind the Confederate defeat EXPLAIN why these reasons led to the defeat EVALUATE what the main reason was behind the Confederate defeat
What was the main reason for the Confederate defeat? P.173 TASK 1: Make colour coded notes on each heading. One colour should be used to suggest that the reason DID cause confederate defeat. The second colour should undermine the idea. TASK 2: You have been given an A3 sheet of paper, with a series of circles on it. Write each heading in a circle, based on how far it led to Confederate loss. Colour code your circles into internal and external once you are done! CHALLENGE Which had more impact on the outcome? External or Internal? Explain your answer. UNDERTAND some of the key reasons behind the Confederate defeat EXPLAIN why these reasons led to the defeat EVALUATE what the main reason was behind the Confederate defeat
What links can be made between the different factors? Emancipation Political/Military leadership Power Union General Lincoln Missed Opportunity Virginia Guerrilla Attack minded Nationalism UNDERTAND some of the key reasons behind the Confederate defeat EXPLAIN why these reasons led to the defeat EVALUATE what the main reason was behind the Confederate defeat
Finding Nemo Fish Diagram! Homework Missed Confederate opportunities Confederate Will Confederate leadership Military leadership Confederate Union Generals Union will Union leadership Emancipation Proclamation TASK: Complete your fish bone diagram with the different reasons that lead to the Confederate’s defeat Union
Grade book revision: Structure In preparation for next week we are now going to spend some time doing a quick recap on what we need to do for each question. The topics you will be expected to do are: 1 x mid-Tudor extract question 1 x essay on Henry VII (government, foreign policy or society/economy) AND 1 x America source on 1850-1854 1 x America essay on the causes of war TASK: On each table and using your whiteboard I would like you to write down how you would STRUCTURE each of the following questions
Grade book revision: Structure Tudor extract question: - Intro: Outline the arguments you can find. P1: Convincing arguments (PEEL paragraphs) P2: Not convincing arguments (PEEL paragraphs) Conclusion: Overall, how convincing is it? America source question: Provenance: PEE Tone: PEE Arguments/context: PEE Overall value Tudor essay question: - Intro: Define, criteria, arguments and judgment P1: Arguments in the support/on the factor of the question (3 x PEEL paragraphs) P2: Arguments against the question (3 x PEEL paragraphs) Conclusion: Repeat your judgement and arguments that support America essay question: - Intro: Define, criteria, arguments and judgment P1: Arguments in the support/on the factor of the question (3 x PEEL paragraphs) P2: Arguments against the question (3 x PEEL paragraphs) Conclusion: Repeat your judgement and arguments that support
What is a sustained argument? Grade book revision: Now that we understand the structure we need to have a think about sustained arguments: What is a sustained argument? How do you ensure you have a sustained argument throughout your answer? TASK: You are going to be split into one of 3 groups and You will either need to write an introduction, paragraph or conclusion to the question on the next slide. We will all need to agree on what the judgement is going to be!
To what extent was foreign policy successful in the years 1485-1509? Grade book revision: The question we are going to work on is: To what extent was foreign policy successful in the years 1485-1509? You will now work collaboratively in your groups to write your part of the answer on the desks and then will put the desks together to see how well we have created a sustained argument Introduction: You need to define, criteria, arguments and judgement TASK: You are going to be split into one of 3 groups and You will either need to write an introduction, paragraph or conclusion to the question on the next slide. We will all need to agree on what the judgement is going to be! Paragraph: PEEL structure. Make sure you think about the judgement and link back to the question! Discuss judgement, etc… as a class before they start to make sure they are all in agreement. Conclusion: repeat the judgement and use the arguments in support
Any questions?