Starter… Recap Draw the MSM of memory Briefly summarise the supporting evidence for MSM.
The Working Memory Model Objectives: To be able to outline and explain the working memory model To know the parts of the model To be able to apply coding and capacity to the model
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Draw the MSM on your whiteboard Starter… Grab a whiteboard Draw the MSM on your whiteboard
Types of Long-Term Memory Tulving (1985) was one of the first cognitive psychologists to realise that that the multi-store model’s view of LTM was too simplistic Tulving proposed that there are in fact 3 LTM stores, containing different types of information Episodic memory, semantic memory and procedural memory.
Long-Term Memory – Presentation task pg. 50-51 3 groups Each group is going to create a presentation (no longer than 5 mins) on types of long term memory You need to include: What your type of memory is (AO1) Supporting evidence/AO3 Questions to quiz your fellow classmates!
AO3 P: there are studies to support different stores in LTM E: CW had trouble recalling events that happened in his life for example birthday parties ect. However, he was able to perform procedural skills such as playing the piano E: this provides evidence that there are different types of LTM. Clive was unable to recall certain types of LTM, suggesting that there are different types of long term stores L: therefore, this supports the idea that there is more than one store in LTM.
AO3 P: There is scientific evidence from brain scans to support the different stores within LTM E: for example, Tulving et al carried out an experiment where pts performed memory tasks whilst scanning their brains using PET scans. He found that semantic memories were recalled from the left prefrontal cortex and episodic memories from the right E: this shows that there are different types of LTM as different brain regions are responsible for separate areas of LTM. L: therefore providing reliable, clinical evidence of separate memory stores for different types of LTM.
Episodic, semantic or procedural?
Check your understanding Explain what is meant by the terms episodic memory, semantic memory and procedural memory (6) Explain one difference between semantic memory and procedural memory (2) Outline one study that has investigated different types of LTM.
Plenary Pick a plenary activity from the display… fill it In and hand it in on your way out