Homewrk 5 Powerpoints
GOALS Develop answers to the following questions which we will discuss in this online class. They are designed to amplify the main points covered in the readings and cover the material necessary to the class assignments. I will draw upon you to share these responses in the course of our discussion.
Readings Justice chapters 9 & 10 Nursing Ethics chapter 17
Justice 9 Sandel concludes his text by summing up the limits of theories of justice based upon (i) utility and (ii) freedom. He then offers his own notion of a society that cultivates virtue. What is his problem with utility theories? What is his problem with freedom theories?
Justice 9 How does his argument fit with the recent Hobby Lobby decision?
Justice-9 What is the “moral individualism” argument against reparations?
Justice-9 MacIntyre argues that humans are “story telling beings.” What is his point?
Justice-9 What are our obligations beyond consent? Give two examples.
Justice-9 Duties to the community ______ override our obligations to rights . A Never B Sometimes C always Justify your answer.
Justice-10 Under liberal ideology rights are equated with neutrality and tolerance. Why is this a mistake for Sandel?
Justice-10 How does Sandel defend same sex marriage? Does this inform the current controversy?
Justice-10 Justice Sandel argues, is not only about the right way to distribute things, it also concerns the right way to value things. Explain his point.
Justice -10 What are the “habits of the heart?” Why are hey important? How can they be cultivated?
Justice - 10 Are there moral limits to the market? Give an example.
Justice - 10 What would a politics of the common good look like? What has this to do with the concept of care?
Justice 10 Claiming inspiration from John Kennedy, Sandel offers four dimensions for the promotion of a more just state. He wrote this manifesto in 2008 as Barak Obama entered office. In each case evaluate how far Sandel’s vision has been achieved. Build a sense of community and common purpose necessary to engender civic virtue.
Justice 10 (B) Regulate the market and ensure it does not corrupt the basic goals of civic life.
Justice 10 (C) Address the basic inequalities between rich and poor that threaten to split America into two nations.
Justice 10 (D) Create a form of political dialogue that welcomes different moral and religious values in an atmosphere of mutual respect.
Justice 10 Which of these are worthy goals? How would you evaluate the moral direction of American society given Sandel’s agenda?
Nursing Ethics 17 Discuss 17-1
Nursing Ethics 17 Discuss 17-2
Nursing ethics 17 17-3
Care paper Questions ????