Unit 2 : The World in Spatial Terms Created by Educational Technology Network. www.edtechnetwork.com 2009
Maps Name the Continent Regions The Global Grid Other Stuff 10 10 10 10 10 20 20 20 20 20 30 30 30 30 30 40 40 40 40 40 50 50 50 50 50
Maps– 10 Points QUESTION: ANSWER: This type of map shows political boundaries ANSWER: Political Map
Maps– 20 Points QUESTION: ANSWER: This type of map shows the major physical features of a place. ANSWER: Physical Map
Maps– 30 Points QUESTION: ANSWER: By definition, this is how we map our round earth on a flat surface. ANSWER: Projection
Maps – 40 Points QUESTION: ANSWER: By definition, this means a loss of accuracy. ANSWER: Distortion
Maps– 50 Points QUESTION: ANSWER: This type of map projection provides the most accurate representation of the North Pole. ANSWER: Azimuthal
Name the Continents-10 Points QUESTION: ANSWER: South America
Name the Continents– 20 Points QUESTION: ANSWER: Europe
Name the Continents– 30 Points QUESTION: ANSWER: Africa
Name the Continents– 40 Points QUESTION: ANSWER: Asia
Name the Continents– 50 Points QUESTION: ANSWER: Australia
Regions– 10 Points QUESTION: ANSWER: Polar, temperate, and tropical are three examples of this type of region. ANSWER: Climate Regions
Regions– 20 Points QUESTION: ANSWER: Plains, mountains, lakes, and coasts are physical features that can be used to describe these types of regions. ANSWER: Physical Regions
Regions– 30 Points QUESTION: ANSWER: These are regions that are created by man-made government boundaries (The borders of countries, for example.) ANSWER: Political Regions
Regions – 40 Points QUESTION: ANSWER: These regions are divided into areas that have common languages or religions. ANSWER: Cultural Regions
Regions– 50 Points QUESTION: ANSWER: Give three ways to regionalize the United States. ANSWER: Time zones, climate zones, vegetation zones, common religions, geographic zones, physical features.
The Global Grid– 10 Points QUESTION: This is the line of latitude that circles Earth halfway between the North and South Poles. ANSWER: Equator
The Global Grid– 20 Points QUESTION: This is the line of longitude that divides our planet into the Eastern and Western Hemispheres. ANSWER: Prime Meridian
The Global Grid– 30 Points QUESTION: Where do all lines of longitude meet? ANSWER: The Poles (North and South)
The Global Grid– 40 Points QUESTION: The polar climate zone is north of this special line of latitude. ANSWER: Arctic Circle
The Global Grid– 50 Points QUESTION: This is the name of the imaginary line of longitude located at 180 degrees. It is where the day begins. ANSWER: International Date Line
Other Stuff– 10 Points QUESTION: ANSWER: What is the most accurate representation of our Earth? ANSWER: A globe
Other Stuff– 20 Points QUESTION: ANSWER: Give three examples of natural features. ANSWER: Lakes, rivers, trees, oceans, mountains, etc.
Other Stuff– 30 Points QUESTION: ANSWER: Give three examples of cultural features in the United States. ANSWER: The White House, The Capitol, Golden Gate Bridge, Ford Field, etc.
Other Stuff– 40 Points QUESTION: ANSWER: What is the most accurate characteristic of an equal area map projection? ANSWER: Size of the continents is accurate.
Other Stuff– 50 Points QUESTION: ANSWER: Give two examples of cultural regions located throughout the world. ANSWER: 1. Spanish speaking countries of Central America 2. Many countries in the Middle East practice Islam. 3. Many traditions are shared by cultures that live in the arctic.