Pursuit of Sovereignty and the Impact of Partition Irish History Pursuit of Sovereignty and the Impact of Partition
Main Topics Home Rule Bill Impact of WW1 Rising 1916 Sinn Fein/1918 Election War of Independence
Partition Treaty Civil War Consolidation of Democracy Free State to Republic Northern Ireland, Unionist Party in power WW2 north and south Anglo Irish relations
Free trade to Protectionism Impact of Partition: (a) society (b) economy World economic crisis Impact of WW 2 on economy and society State and culture North and South Language, Religion and Education
Case Studies The Treaty Negotiations, October to December 1921 Belfast During World War 2 The Eucharistic Congress, 1932
Key Personalities: Padraig Pearse W.T. Cosgrave Countess Markievicz Michael Collins Arthur Griffith Eamon DeValera W.T. Cosgrave James Craig Richard Dawson Bates JJ McElligott Evie Hone