To begin the narration, switch to Slide View and wiggle the mouse over the text on the slide. Please see the accompanying documentation for information about authoring scripts and the command syntax. A short summary is included in the next Notes page. You can put any text that you want right here as long as it is above the demarcation line below (you might want to think of it as the magic marker). ^*#{}#*^ SHOW james, james.acs, 83, 80 SAY Hello! SLIDE 2=SAY Why don’t we go to the next slide?
Jesus Fed the Five Thousand To begin the narration, switch to Slide View and wiggle the mouse over the text on the slide. ^*#{}#*^ SHOW james, james.acs, 30,50 SAY Hello, Welcome to Sunday School! I’m glad you’re here today. PLAY Greet SAY I am James, your computer teacher for this morning. PLAY Explain SLIDE 3=SAY Today we’ll study one of the miracles that Jesus did when he was on the earth, 2000 years ago. To begin the narration, move the cursor over the title. NOTE: This is the version of the Presentation Narrator written specifically for Microsoft PowerPoint 97.
^*#{}#*^ MOVE 50, 40 SAY Of course, Jesus lived in Israel at that time. PLAY GestureRight SAY This is a photograph from space, of Israel today. PLAY Alert PLAY LookUpRight SAY You can see the Sea of Galilee, PLAY LookRightBlink SAY the Jordan River, PLAY LookDownRight SAY and the Dead Sea. ! This is a {con-tent=content}. MOVE 50,20 SAY Today’s action takes place in the region of Galilee, where Nazareth and the Sea of Galilee are located. NEXT PLAY RestPose SLIDE 4 = SAY Now let’s see what Galilee looks like from down there!
^*#{}#*^ MOVE 0,30 SAY This is a photograph of Galilee today. PLAY GestureLeft SAY You can see the Sea of Galilee PLAY LookUpLeftBlink SAY and the hills of Galilee in the distance. SLIDE 5 = SAY Here’s another look at modern Galilee.
^*#{}#*^ MOVE 60,50 PLAY GestureRight SAY On one of these hills, Jesus performed the miracle we study today. PLAY Read SAY The record of this miracle is found in the Bible in John 6 verses 1 through 15. PLAY ReadReturn PLAY Acknowledge SAY The people of Galilee knew that Jesus had great power. They had seen his miracles. They had to follow him and get to know him better. PLAY Alert SAY So the crowd followed Jesus across the Sea of Galilee. He went up on a mountainside with his disciples. PLAY LookRight SAY Looking down, he saw masses of people coming toward him: five thousand men, in addition to women and children. PLAY Explain SAY Jesus knew how long they had journeyed and how late it was. PLAY RestPose SAY Jesus turned and asked Philip: Where shall we buy bread for these people to eat? SAY Jesus knew the answer to his question. He wanted to test Philip. PLAY Confused SLIDE 6 = SAY Philip replied: Eight months pay would not provide even a bite for each person!
^*#{}#*^ MOVE 0,10 PLAY GestureLeft SAY Andrew, another disciple, stood by Jesus. “Here is a boy with five small barley loaves and two small fish.” PLAY Confused SLIDE 7 = SAY “But how far will they go among so many people?”
^*#{}#*^ MOVE 75,50 PLAY GestureRight SLIDE 8 = SAY Barley loaves were coarse bread which poor people could afford. The fish were probably not fresh, but may have been a relish to make the bread taste better.
^*#{}#*^ MOVE 80,10 SAY Andrew invited Jesus to do what he could with the boy’s offering. PLAY Congratulate SLIDE 9 = SAY With that small offering, Jesus did a miracle!
^*#{}#*^ MOVE 0,10 SAY Jesus told his disciples: Have the people sit down in groups so they can be served. PLAY GestureLeft SAY The people sat down on the soft grass and waited. PLAY Confused SLIDE 10 = SAY What would Jesus do with with this young boy’s small lunch?
^*#{}#*^ MOVE 0,20 PLAY Explain SAY Jesus took the small loaves and gave thanks. He wanted the people to know that the gift came from God. PLAY GestureLeft SLIDE 11 = SAY He broke the barley loaves, and the disciples passed them out to the crowd. He did the same with the fish.
^*#{}#*^ MOVE 75,50 PLAY Explain SLIDE 12 = SAY Each person ate until he was full. Jesus more than provided for the people’s needs.
^*#{}#*^ MOVE 0,30 PLAY LookLeft SAY Instead of there not being enough, as Andrew and Philip had feared, there was plenty! PLAY Pleased SLIDE 13 = SAY They even had leftovers!
^*#{}#*^ MOVE 75,0 PLAY GestureRight SAY The disciples collected twelve baskets of leftovers. PLAY Pleased SLIDE 14 = SAY Through Jesus, God had provided abundantly for the people’s needs.
^*#{}#*^ MOVE 10,50 SAY The crowds saw Jesus’ power. They thought: Surely, this is the Prophet who is to come into the world. PLAY Sad SAY They decided to try to force Jesus to become their King. PLAY GestureLeft SLIDE 15 = SAY Jesus left them and went away to a mountain by himself to pray.
^*#{}#*^ MOVE 30,30 PLAY Acknowledge SAY Thanks, boys and girls, for studying this miracle of Jesus with me. PLAY Congratulate SAY As we study Jesus’ miracles this month, remember that Jesus has the power to do all things! PLAY Wave SAY See you soon! PLAY Hide END