Asia Amritapuri Site Regional Contest December 11 & 12, 2010 Saturday and Sunday Primary Sponsor Platinum Sponsor Gold Sponsor hosted by Amritapuri Campus in Clappana, Kollam in Kerala & Ettimadai Campus in Coimbatore, Tamilnadu Governance Partner
ACM ICPC Mission Provide college students with opportunities to interact with students from other universities To sharpen and demonstrate their problem- solving, programming, and teamwork skills. Provide a platform for the Association of Computing Machinery (ACM), industry, and academia to encourage and focus public attention on the next generation of computing professionals as they pursue excellence.
Introduction Teams first compete in regional contests held around the world from September to December each year. The winning team from each regional contest qualifies to advance to the ACM International Collegiate Programming Contest World Finals. Two-tiered programming competition among teams of students representing institutions of higher education.
Amrita University Private University with 5 campuses across 3 states in South India. More than students and 2000 staff 100+ programmes in 15+ schools. Hosted ICPC Asia Site Regional Contest for the past 5 years in a row. First two years – 2005 & 2006 at Ettimadai & since 2007 at Amritapuri. This year contest is Multi-provincial – Amritapuri & Ettimadai.
How is the contest organized? Regional Contests in Asia, Africa, N. America, S. America, Australia, Europe World Finals with 100 teams
Contest Details World Finals with 100 teams Registration Online at your college/Home/Internet Café. Team size is 3 or 4 students of any year of any branch Online Internet Contest Sunday, 17th October, 2010-Online at your College/Home/Internet Café Expecting about 1500 teams from about 700 institutions across Asia. 180 teams will be shortlisted. Participant certificates in soft copy form can be downloaded from portal. Regional Contest Regional Contest will be held at two sites on Saturday and Sunday, 11th & 12th December, 2010 at Amritapuri Campus, Clappana, Kollam, Kerala or Ettimadai Campus, Coimbatore, Tamilnadu teams at Kerala campus and 60 teams at Coimbatore campus from Asia will participate. 3 or 4 teams will be shortlisted for world finals out of 180 teams. Certificates and prizes will be awarded.. World Finals March 1 st week Cairo, Egypt. About 100 teams from about 2000 institutions from about 100 countries will compete for top honors.
Sponsors and Organizers Association for Computing Machinery (ACM) IBM Baylor University, Texas, USA – main organizer worldwide Platinum Sponsor – Infosys Governance Partner- Infosys Campus Connect Gold Sponsor- Directi Local Organizers – Amrita University –Each Regional Contest organized by a different university –Two regional contests in India
Team Composition A participating team consists of: 1.Coach (University Staff or Faculty) 2.Three participating contestants 3.One reserve contestant (optional) All from the same university. A coach can have multiple teams.
Stages of Contest First internet round in October –Five-hour contest, free for all registered teams Next round held in Amritapuri and Coimbatore simultaneously in December –Five hour contest –Participating teams selected from First Internet Round teams –Registration fee – Rs per team Teams from all over Asia come to Amritapuri and Coimbatore
Double-site – Amritapuri and Coimbatore Why double-site? –Easier travel for some people –More on-site participation possible How to pick a site? –You will be asked to select a site after your invitation to the onsite contest –You can pick only one, prefer one, or no preference
Contest Problems Problems are set by experts such as previous participants at the World Finals 8-10 problems to be solved in five hours Problem solutions consist of source code submitted to automatic judge by contestant teams that solve a described problem. Judging application compiles and executes source code with secret input, and verifies correctness of output against golden solutions output Contestants notified in seconds of result of judging –Allows multiple solutions until correct solution is obtained Heavy on algorithmic knowledge
Contestant Eligibility Rules Basic Requirements A student must be willing and able to compete in the World Finals. A student must be enrolled in a degree program at the sponsoring institution with at least a half-time load. This rule is not to be construed as disqualifying co-op students, exchange students, or students serving internships. A student may compete for only one institution during a contest year. A student who has competed in two World Finals is NOT eligible to compete. A student who has competed in five Regional Contests is NOT eligible to compete.
Period of Eligibility A student who meets the Basic Requirements and FIRST began post-secondary studies in 2006 or later is eligible to compete. A student who meets the Basic Requirements and was born in 1987 or later is eligible to compete. More information in –
Conduct of Regional contest In consultation with the judges, the Regional Contest Director determines the winners of the regional contest. The regional contest director and judges are empowered to adjust for or adjudicate unforeseen events and conditions. The programming languages of the regional contest will include C/C++/Java.
How to participate at Asia-Amritapuri Coach contestants find each other and form a team –Each coach can have multiple teams, all from his/her college Teams go to Amritapuri ICPC website to read rules and procedureshttp:// Coach registers teams for Asia-Amritapuri contest at Baylor University site Teams with Accepted registrations receive information on participation in a 5-hour internet contest in October Teams qualifying from the above internet (online) contest receive invitations to the on-site contest in December Teams travel to Amritapuri or Coimbatore in December to participate in the ICPC Regionals, Asia-Amritapuri site Winning team(s) are invited to the World Finals in Egypt, Feb 27, 2010
Checklist for Coaches (Faculty Members) Find three or four interested students who work well together, and form a team. Form as many such teams as you can. –Faculty coaches and students can be from any department. –Sometimes MTech students are eligible – check our sites eligibility rules. Register each team at and make reservations for the Amritapuri Online contest. –Ask your student teams to complete their registrations promptly Ask the university to provide computer facilities for the students to practice and to participate in the contest stages. Help your teams prepare. Guide them. Keep the students informed as to the contents of s you receive from ICPC. If you can, travel with them to the on-site contest. If they do well, publicize their success at your university. Recruit your colleagues to coach teams. Apply to the university and us for funding for registration, travel.
Checklist for Competitors (Students) Find two or three students and form a team. Get a coach. –Make sure you are eligible by checking our rules. –You can be BTech or MTech. – Register your team at with your coachs help. Work with your coach to get your college to provide computer facilities to practice and to participate in the contest stages. Practice regularly at different sites, read books, etc. Work with your coach to get funding for your registration and travel from your university. Tell your friends about ICPC. Put it on your blog. Come and take part, and enjoy yourselves. Give us feedback.
Checklist for University/ College Management Encourage your students to participate by putting up our posters etc. Publicize your students successes. Give duty leave to your coaches and students for participation and travel. Provide machines and facilities for your student teams. Provide funding to your teams (students and coaches) for travel and registration. Recognize that this is a valuable part of their education.
Benefits of ICPC Participation For top-level teams –Honors, prizes, certificates –Chance to take part in the World Finals For weaker teams –Improve programming skills –Focus on practice and learning algorithms For everyone –Meet students from all over India and other parts of Asia with common interest in programming –Sightseeing, socializing, great food, fun, challenges –Employability Many employers (Google, Facebook, Directi, IBM) look very favorably on contest performance and participation.
Benefits of ICPC Participation – contd. For coaches and universities –Students learn stuff outside their curriculum, and pass knowledge on to other students, sustaining a chain –Students meet potential employers (from sponsors) For sponsors –Interact with the smartest brains in the country –Help raise the programming skills of their potential employee pool
Events at Amritapuri and Coimbatore during Onsite contest Programming contest Excursion to scenic areas, beach Yoga class Cultural programs Sponsor presentations Prize-giving Banquet
How you can help Tell your faculty and students about ACM ICPC – point them to our website Form teams and participate Encourage your college management to fund your registration and travel, and give you duty leave for participation Ask us for flyers, posters, and PowerPoint presentations, and show them to your students
Important Contact Info Main ICPC website Asia-Amritapuri site for ACM ICPChttp:// Twitter: icpcamritapuri Facebook Page: ACM ICPC Asia Amritapuri Thank You