Second Grade November 12 - 16 Preston Pride Important Dates: Reminders November 16th Jenny Preston Day! November 19th – 23rd Thanksgiving Break November 27th Starlight Café – No lunch visitors November 28th Picture Retakes November 30th $1 PJ Day – Kids Against Hunger Goals for this week: Math We will solve addition and subtraction equations using regrouping strategy. I will justify why I need to regroup and why I don’t need to. Reading We will use strategies to solve words and reread to understand. We will use keywords to think and talk about a topic. I will talk with a reading buddy about my nonfiction book using keywords. Writing We will use comparisons to teach our readers new information I will use comparison in my writing to teach my reader new information. I will use senses to include details in my writing. Science We will use our senses of touch and sight to observe and describe how rocks have different size, textures, and colors. I will describe how rocks differ in size by measuring or estimating size. Social Studies We will identify the significance of various ethnic and/or cultural celebrations. I will describe and compare cultural celebrations from around the world. Word Work We will decode words with L, R, and S blends. I will spell words with L, R, and S blends. Follow us on Twitter @HaddenPreston2 @Herbert2ndGrade @MaurerPreston2 @hhaleypreston2 @AMcC2ndPreston Reminders Homework: Read every night for 20 mins. If your child brings a jacket to school, please write his/her name in it! We are working on Math Fact fluency – please practice at home using flash cards or the flash card link on the 2nd gr website! Preston Pride