Mrs. Lindsey’s Weekly Blast January 28th, 2019 Don’t Forget! Read with your child each night! Keep a running list of flash cards for our Word Wall Words: I, can, the, we, see, a, like, to, and, go, you, do, my, are, with, he, is, little! Practice Sight Word Toucan Folders each night! We Are Learning About… Reading: We will focus on the letters Bb and Ll and the sight words is and little. We will visualize parts of stories to help us understand them better. We will use all reading strategies we have learned so far to help us solve tricky words as we read. Reading Essential Question: How are the seasons different? Writing: We will practice printing Bb and Ll, as well as writing to tell our opinions about a season of the year! Math: We will finish GoMath Ch. 6: Subtraction! Science: We will move from light energy into heat energy! Social Studies: We will focus on the Hawks Rise Character Trait Kindness, which will be a school-wide focus as we earn Choose to Be Kind hearts. We will also connect to our reading question and learn about the seasons of the year! Important Dates Jan. 28th: Wonders Unit 5 Reading Test Jan. 30th: GoMath Ch. 6 Quiz Jan. 31st: 100th Day of School!! Feb. 1st: GoMath Ch. 6 Test Feb. 4th: Boosterthon Kick-off Pep Rally Feb. 13th: Boosterthon Fun Run