Elimination and point Game


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Presentation transcript:

Elimination and point Game

Choose a square and make a The last student standing is the winner. X = Sit down O = Stay standing Choose a square and make a “May I…” sentence.

Where is the restaurant? X X Go straight. Where is the museum? O O Where is the restaurant? Turn left. O O Turn right. It’s on your left. O X It’s on your right. Where is the bank? O X Thank you. No problem.

O O O X O O X X O X Go straight and turn left. You’re welcome. Where is the high school? Turn right and go straight. O O Turn right at the park. It’s next to the bank. X X Turn right. Turn left, then right. O X Where is the ice cream store? Go straight for two blocks.

O O O X O X X O O X Thank you. Can you help me? Can I help you? Go straight and turn right at the park. O Go straight and turn right at the ice cream store. O O X Turn left and go straight. It’s on your left next to the bank. O X Thank you. Can you help me? X O Can I help you? You’re welcome. O X Is the bank on the left or the right? Go straight for 2 blocks.

O O X O O O X X O X Where is the bus stop? Where is the supermarket? Turn left and go straight for one block. O Go straight two blocks and turn right at the corner. O X O Where is the bus stop? Where is the supermarket? O O Turn right and go straight. Turn left at the corner. X X Where is the supermarket? It is on your right, next to the museum. O X Turn left at the bank and right at the park. It’s next to the bank.

X O O X X X O O O O . Is the bank on the left or the right? Go straight and turn right at the park. . X O Turn left at the bank and right at the park. Where is the ice cream store? X X Go straight two blocks and turn left at the corner. Turn right and go straight. O O Go straight and turn right at the park. Go straight for 2 blocks. O O Where is the Pet Shop. Turn left at the school and right at the park.

O O X X O O O X O X It is on your right, next to the school. Go straight three blocks and left right at the corner. O X X Go straight and turn right at the yellow house. Is the restaurant on the left or the right? O O Turn right and go straight. Turn left at the park and right at the post office. O X Turn left. Go straight. O X Turn right. Can you help me?

X O O O X O O X O X Is the bank on the left or the right? Where is the supermarket? O O O It’s next to the bank. Go straight and turn right at the park. X O Go straight two blocks and turn right at the corner. Where is the restaurant? O X Go straight 2 blocks. It is next to the book store. O X Turn right at the book store. Turn left at the post office.

X O O X O O X O O X Turn left and then right. Turn right and go straight It’s next to the bank. O O X Turn right at the park Turn left and the bank and right at the library. O O Is the bank on the left or the right? Where is the hospital? X O It is on your right, next to the toy store. Turn left and then right. O X Where is the police station? Where is the post office?