Impacts of Colonization Assessing the Lasting Affects
Key terms COLONIZATION: A Socio-political practice that extends a nation‘s sovereignty beyond its geographic borders by establishing colonies in foreign territories, in which the Indigenous peoples are directly or indirectly ruled, displaced, and assimilated. CULTURAL IMPERIALISM: an ideology used to legitimize and/or promote a socio- political/economic system based ethnocentrism in which the colonizing nation attempts to subjugate another. APARTHEID: Policies of colonial powers of South Africa to segregate racial classes. MARGINALITY: When a cultural or social group is pushed aside or excluded from the dominant cultural group of a country or region.
Unit two learning Goal Explain how colonization continues to contribute to issues concerning indigenous people.
DISCUSSION Discuss how colonization and its policies continue to impact cultural and social groups.
Out of Africa - Summary COUNTRY COLONIAL CONNECTION NATURAL RESOURCES BRITAIN Foreign Aid Resource Agreements Oil Cocoa Iron Land GERMANY West and Central Africa Invested into Economies (Jobs in Factories) Copper, Gold, Cobalt, Coffee, Lead, Yams BELGIUM Congo Mining Operations Agriculture Health Cobalt Coltan Diamonds ITALY North Africa Investing in Libyan Economy Oil Natural Gas FRANCE Security – Supplying Weapons Political, Military and Economic Connections Mining Water, Diamonds Gas and Oil SPAIN Funding Education and Health Care Trade Agreements Work Migration Oil and Gas PORTUGAL Trade Agreements Agricultural Production Southern Africa Oil Cotton
How do European Nations still maintain ties with former colonies? Natural Resource Agreements Immigration Foreign Aid There are two main types of foreign aid: Development Aid Humanitarian Aid
Foreign Aid Humanitarian aid refers to assistance provided to alleviate the impacts of a humanitarian disaster (natural disaster or human caused disaster). The primary objective of humanitarian aid is to save lives, alleviate suffering, and maintain human dignity. Development aid is financial assistance provided to developing nations to support the development of their economies. Usually is focused around natural resource development and exploitation. Is usually provided as a loan to the country.
‘Third world’ Debt Development aid has had a huge impact on the economies of many African nations, because it has tied them to specific conditions. Many of these conditions include high interest rates and external control of natural resources. Most countries struggle to even pay the interest on the loans, and as a result there economy is crippled and completely reliant on the investing nations/organizations (ie. Former colonial powers, World Bank, International Monetary Fund)
Debt cancellation There have been many calls to cancel the debt of the developing nations to allow them to properly develop their economies. Make Poverty History and Live 8 were two campaigns to draw international attention to third world debt and poverty. These campaigns led to the creation of a list of Heavily Indebted Poor Countries (HIPC) that would receive debt reduction or cancellation. As of January 2012, the HIPC Initiative had identified 39 countries (33 of which are in Sub-Saharan Africa) as being potentially eligible to receive debt relief.
HIPC COuntries Afghanistan Benin Bolivia Burkina Faso Burundi Cameroon Central African Republic Chad* Republic of the Congo Democratic Republic of the Congo Comoros* Ivory Coast* Ethiopia Eritrea Gambia Ghana Guinea* Guinea-Bissau Guyana Haiti Honduras Liberia Madagascar Mali Mauritania Mozambique Nicaragua Niger Rwanda São Tomé and Príncipe Senegal Sierra Leone Somalia Sudan Tanzania Togo Uganda Zambia * Indicates countries that have are only entitled to partial relief of their debt. Bold countries are those just entering the program