CS 322 week 1 summary Syllabus-grouping-grading, grading policy – fairness - NO cheating, gap-based classification/SVM CS: problem solving by computers with lowest complexity Complexity: time, space – efficiency, and Kolmorogov (Chaitin), be concise and DRY: don’t repeat yourself; understandability Program = data structure + algorithm (book title, by Wirth Pascal) Constraint on time and space, make alg efficient (big O; <=cubic power; tractable/intractable) Chunk swapping: different alg for time & space constraints – trade space for time or vice versa: loop of array and circular linked list Elegance of skip list: widely used inspired by express line of NYC subway; a taste of math analysis Problem modeling using math optimization
CS 322 week 1 summary Motivation of software engineering: huge system Software crisis, late 60s early 70s late projects(time), over-budget($$), unreliable hard to maintain/not understandable, add comments, have clean logic Engineering project process: source of SE Life cycle models: spec maintenance, copycat of conventional Eng. Water-fall General def of life cycle: series of steps taken to develop a huge software system. Water-fall is just one of it. More to be introduced.