Tutorial 1: Developing a Basic Web site Session 2.1
Objectives Learn about Web Design principles Draw a storyboard Create external links Create email links Create internal links
Web Design Principles What is a good website from a design standpoint? C.R.A.P. principles http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mF_mWi6r-9I
Organizing the content Importance of business strategy for your website Understand the client Tool: Client interview Organizing the content of the website Website functionalities Storyboard
Example of Storyboard
Working with Hypertext Links Use of the <a> tag Syntax: <a href= “reference”>content</a> Attributes of the a element (See page HTML 84).
External Links <a href=“http://www.cnn.com” >CNN</a> Use of complete URL With title attribute: <a href= “http://www.cnn.com” title=“Link to the CNN Web site” >CNN</a> With blank target: <a href=“http://www.cnn.com” target= “_blank”>CNN</a>
Review Practice – External Links Create a folder and name it camshots. Download all the files from the practice folder in tutorial.02 and save them in the camshots folder. Open contesttxt.htm and save it as contest.html. In contest.html, mark the text BetterPhoto.com as an hypertext link pointing to the URL http://www.betterphoto.com. Set the attribute of the link so that it opens in a new browser window or tab.
Email Links What is an email link? Syntax: <a href=“mailto:address”>text</a> Example: <a href=“mailto:caroline.collier@gcsu.edu”>Collier</a> Adding the email subject to email link: <a href=“mailto:address?subject=your subject”>text</a> <a href=“mailto:caroline.collier@gcsu.edu?subject=Project%20Two”>Collier</a>
Review Practice – Email Link In the aside element, mark the text Gerry Hayward as a hypertext link to an email address with ghayward@camshots.com as the email address. Add Photo Contest as the subject line within the email link.
Internal Links Link to another Web page within the same Web site “Independent” internal link Internal links (part of the navigational bar) Internal links to a local file
Internal Links – Independent Links <a href =“photos.htm”>our photo gallery</a> Absolute path: Specifies a precise location within the entire structure of a computer. Example Relative path: Specifies a file’s location in relation to the location of the current document.
Review Practice – Internal Links Scroll down to the second article. Link the text Child Photos to the child.html file. Link Flower Photos to the flower.html file. Link Scenic Photos to the scenic.html file.
Internal Links – Navigation Bar Use of CSS to format the navigation bar Common use of internal links for the navigation bar: The links are part of an unordered list inside the nav structural element. Example: <nav> <ul> <li><a href=“index.htm”>HOME</a></li> <li><a href=“about_us.htm>ABOUT US</a></li> </ul> </nav>
Review Practice – Navigation Bar Directly below the header element, create a navigation list containing an unordered list with the following list items as hyperlinks: Home linked to the index.html file Tips linked to the tipweek.html file Contest linked to the contest.html file Glossary linked to the photogloss.html file Copy the navigation bar and paste it on index.html, tipweek.html, and photogloss.html. On
Internal Links – Links to local files Links to non-HTML documents: Word documents, PDF documents, etc. Examples on some existing Web sites. Example: <a href=“docs/bylaws.pdf”>Company’s By-Laws</a>
Summary <a> tag Possible attributes: href title target