EntrySign re-design Alex Trowell
What is EntrySign? EntrySign is a visitor management system that replaces the commonly found log in book at reception desks. EntrySign is quicker and gives the customer a digital record of all visitors to the premises. EntrySign records the attendance of staff, visitors and contractors. In educational establishments EntrySign also records pupil & student movements. The easy-to-use Back Office Suite allows you to monitor who is in the building at all times, look-up historical information, generate detailed reports and activate an instant evacuation roll call in seconds.
Why did I choose EntrySign? I decided to choose EntrySign after having experience with the device at my previous job working with primary schools. I was an account manager that used to recommend this product for reception desks and some businesses. Our office was always bombarded with phone calls shortly after the install took place with staff complaining it was difficult to use so my old work had to set up training sessions after the install. When I was looking for a project to do for this assignment my old work shared an image of the same system for a promotional offer and I noticed the UI was exactly the same as it was in 2014 so I looked more into the product and discovered it had not changed at all in 4 years. That’s when I decided to choose EntrySign so I could re-design the UI and make the device much more simpler.
EntrySign Original Here is the original logo and home screen for the product:
EntrySign Logo Design At the start of the design process I decided to vectorise and tweak the EntrySign logo slightly.
Research In my research I read a book which was listed in the assignment brief called ‘Don’t make me think’ by Steve Krug here are some notes I took from the book and tried to implement in my design: It doesn't matter how many times the user has to click as long as they have confidence they're on the right track and each click is mindless. Make choices clear to the user when navigating throughout the site If a difficult choice needs to be displayed add plenty of guidance Web pages should be self-explanatory The back button is the most used feature of browsers Web/App users are like sharks they need to keep moving or they'll die Eliminate excessive text/talk users just want to get where they are going Make it easy to go home (home button)
Home Screen Design
Screensaver Design Here is another feature I decided to add – a screensaver that can act as a large clock in the reception, I added a slight gradient to differentiate the page from the other designs.
Other Designs I created some more designs that can be viewed on my Wordpress blog: trowellhsad.wordpress.com
Colour & Typography In regards to colour and typography they were pretty straightforward decisions, with the colour scheme replicating the original and the typography a simple choice. The font I explained needed to clean and bold with the main users being aged over 40 so I knew consciously that the text needed to be visible and clear to make the UX faster and simpler. I would of liked to have used more gradients in my designs but I wanted to keep most pages and icons minimalistic to keep the products main purpose as streamlined as possible. Colours: Orange & White Font: Fumba (Custom Font)