Social Change Part I: Using online news resources, find three articles discussing recent (within the last five years) incidents of large-scale social change/movements. Specifically, locate one incident from each of the following areas: human rights; technology; political. At least one of your articles must originate from outside the United States. For each article, you will A.) provide a brief summary of the events discussed in the article, or the overall topic, B.) how the events discussed reflect our learning on social change , C.) any resistance from the status quo in response to this issue, and D.) your personal response. Be sure to provide a link! Part II: Read the article linked below, then select a fad/trend of your choosing and analyze it from a sociological mindset. At a minimum, your write-up should address each of the following: Origin, Early Adopters, Medium of Diffusion, Beneficiaries, Social Feedback, Timeline, and Current Status. You will need to have at least eight articles referenced/quoted/cited in your write-up. Be sure to conclude with some analysis of projected impact (if any). Part III: Additional time may be used to start reading The Illusion of Diffusion (found in .pdf format on Weebly).