Using the cards – Match up the element’s symbol with its atomic structure
Bonding basics Complete the chart using your atomic structure cards Element Number of electrons Number of electrons on outside shell Group number Easy to lose or gains and an electron? Lithium 3 1 Beryllium 2 5 8 6 Fluorine Use post it notes to demostrate ionic bonding – losing and gaining atom.
Bonding basics Complete the chart using your atomic structure cards Element Number of electrons Number of electrons on outside shell Group number Easy to lose or gains and an electron? Lithium 3 1 lose Beryllium 4 2 Boron 5 Oxygen 8 6 Gain Fluorine 9 7 When an atom gains or loses an Electron it is called an Ion Use post it notes to demostrate ionic bonding – losing and gaining atom.
Ionic Bonds Ionic bonds are formed by one atom transferring electrons to another atom to form ions. Ions are atoms, which have lost or gained electrons and therefore have a negative or positive charge
+ - + - + - + - + - + - + - + - + - + - + - The atom losing electrons forms a positive ion and is usually a metal. + - + - + - + - + - + - + - + - Sodium atom + - + - + -
+ - + - + - + - + - + - + - + - + - + - + - + - + - + - + - + - + - - The atom gaining electrons forms a negative ion and is usually a non-metallic element. X X X X + - + - X + - + - X X X + - + - X X X X X + - + - X X + - + - X X + - + - Chlorine atom + - + - + - + - + - - + -
Positive and negative ions attract Sodium atom Chlorine atom Electron transfer X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X - Gains electron X X + Loses electron Positive and negative ions attract
Positive and negative ions attract Ionic bonding Sodium Chloride X - + Positive and negative ions attract
NEGATIVE POSITIVE ION Answer these questions: An atom that gains one or more electrons will have a ____________________ charge. An atom that loses one or more electrons will have a ____________________ charge. An atom that gains or loses one or more electrons is called an ____________. NEGATIVE POSITIVE ION
ELECTRONS COMPLETE METAL NONMETAL What is an ionic bond? Atoms will transfer one or more ________________ to another to form the bond. Each atom is left with a ________________ outer shell. An ionic bond forms between a ___________ ion with a positive charge and a ________________ ion with a negative charge attracting each other. Example: Sodium + Chlorine ELECTRONS COMPLETE METAL NONMETAL X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X Sodium chloride
Games for learning – dominoes
Dominos Starting the game Place the dominoes face-down on the table and mix them up Each player selects 7 dominoes. Keep your dominoes in front of you but hidden from your opponents.
Playing Dominos Randomly select the first player (rock, paper, scissors works well for this) The first player will place one of their domino pieces on the table between the players. The second player then places one of their dominos to match and play continues to the next player.
Playing Dominos If a player does not have a match they must pick up a domino from the “boneyard” The player will continue to pick up from the boneyard until they can play a domino. If there are no dominos in the boneyard, the player must knock and pass their turn to the other player. Winner is the first player to use all their dominos!
Which domino below will match Chlorine?
Which domino below will match oxygen? Sodium chloride Which domino below will match oxygen?
Sodium chloride Lithium oxide
The periodic table for ionic bonding Groups Groups 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 The periodic table for ionic bonding Non metals Metals
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