VFW Patriots Pen Essay Contest What I Would Tell Americas Founding Fathers – maybe you could look at the FFs in general and what they did – remember the VFW is VERY proud of our country and your tone needs to support the FFs
A Winning Essay from Last Year Read on You Tube MFve2Mhttp:// MFve2M
A Winning Essay from Last Year /Community/FIRST%20PLACE%20WINN ER%20ESSAY%202012%20FOR%20WE BSITE.pdfhttp:// /Community/FIRST%20PLACE%20WINN ER%20ESSAY%202012%20FOR%20WE BSITE.pdf
Outline Title page Introduction –Includes hook – quote, question, anecdote –3 pieces of info you will be discussing in paper 1 st detail paragraph – 1 st piece of info 2 nd detail paragraph – 2 nd piece of info 3 rd detail paragraph – 3 rd piece of info Closing paragraph – summarizes Bibliography
RAFTS R- a role from which to do the writing. The role may be as intimate as self or as remote as that of an inanimate object. Roles should be chosen from those that exist within the realms of the real or vicarious experience of the student. A - an audience for whom the writing is intended. Students need to write for audiences other than the teacher. The audiences for student writing may range from self to peers to the general public. Variation in audiences causes the student to vary the form and the level of the language used to express meaning. F - a format in which to write. Students need to experiment with a variety of formats. Writing formats should include typical school writing formats, but can also include as many type of "real life" writing as possible. T - a topic about which to write. Topics should relate to the role and audiences selected. S - a strong verb which sets the tone for a piece of writing. This strong verb also directs the student in Vocabulary choice.
Judging Criteria 1.Knowledge of the theme is worth 30 points: You must show a thorough knowledge of the theme in your work. Demonstrate you have researched the issue extensively. 2.Theme development is worth 35 points: Answer all relevant facts about the theme such as the who, what, where, when and why. Relate the theme to your own experiences. 3.Clarity of ideas is worth 35 points: Write your essay in an easy-to-understand format. Leave your reader with a clear understanding of your explanation of the theme.