MoE Linwood North School VOLUNTEERS Community Development MoE SWiS PHN Integrated Recovery Planning Guide Results Based Accountability SCHOOLCHARTER 2011 – 2013 Strategic Plan Community Goals MSD WINZ CYFs ESC Linwood Links – appt + a staff rep C&PH Health Promoter - leadership funding/resourcing 2012 – Vegie Coop 2012 Home-School Partnership Linwood North School Communications –nationally/locally/printing 2000 pamphlets Idea originated with the School Principal from an initiative by the MoE & MSD The old Dental Clinic available Key partners – commonality PREVENTION PROMOTION PROTECTION form the advisory group Volunteers from the parent body sought. Tuesdays Wednesdays Thursdays AM Community development processes/values plus IRG (Integrated Recovery Guide) & RBA (Results Based Accountability – Friedman) principles involved The School Charter – Strategic Goals – Community Goals – promote parental & community involvement in school life; develop learning programmes that reach out into the community Key outcomes to date – has been operating for just over 1 year Key Outcomes The Hub has use of the Linwood North School’s old Dental Clinic. An active Advisory Group has been established which represents the interests of the participating Government agencies and the volunteer group. A full Project & Evaluation Plan has been developed and agreed to by the Advisory Group. The volunteer group has established a clear vision – Linwood North Living to take us places. This is in line with the school’s vision statement – Learning to take us places. The volunteers are increasingly using the Health Adviser as an adviser rather than as the ‘leader’. The Hub has a laptop & printer and dedicated telephone line. The Hub has an e-mail address and access to the internet. Income & expenses are being monitored through the school’s accounting system. The Hub has professional signage. The volunteer group has connected with the Linwood Forum (a mix of NGOs & Govt Agencies) and has begun to develop its own network of people & organizations. The Hub publishes a regular newsletter which is distributed with the School’s weekly newsletter. The volunteer group has initiated planning for a Hub page to be developed as part of the Linwood North’s School web site. Two volunteers have attended in-service training on communicating with your community. Initiative was shown by the volunteers in networking with another event and a community NGO which created interest with local people and politicians. A special pamphlet has been written by the volunteers for a community ‘letter drop’. This activity was hugely supported by the CYFs Communication Team Christchurch. The Health Adviser and the Hub Chairperson have developed a set of strategic directions which the volunteer group want to pursue. (highlighted in red) Develop a day-to-day working structure - this covers who does what, what has to be done, how it is done, how is it recorded Develop a clear pattern of communication - e-mail distribution lists, important community contacts, school web page/newsletter, electronic newsletter (already have good links through the Advisory Group too.) Developing a meeting format & discussion guidelines to maximise every bodies' time, energy & ideas. Develop strategic, collaborative links with other community based organizations eg ACTIS, Heartlands Aranui, Anglican Family & Community, Linwood Forum, St Chad's Church ???? other Hubs/residents groups An article (City of Ideas) has been written about the Hub and will be published in the MSD’s national magazine. Recent Developments: The name has been changed to reflect the group’s need to ‘get into’ the community The volunteer group is now establishing a Memorandum of Understanding with the BoT to establish a level of autonomy when engaging with other community groups. Citizens Advice Bureau will be using the rooms two days of the week initially. The committee organized a community Wellness EXPO 21st March St Chad’s Anglican Church hall (interagency/NGOs) Very successful. Display boards have been developed ready for community events. Volunteers have assisted in planning family outings as part of a wider community initiative (bus transport from the school) Volunteers present at community events such as ICEcycles HousingNZ CAB 5th December strategic meeting Earthquake Support Coordinator Tues/Thurs Te Puna Whaiora