4. Energy for the Future Solar Energy: past, present, future
Solar backpack
Solar backpacks / solar cell
Solar heater
Solar cooker
Comprehension Check Question 10 58-59p
Robert Harrison went to L.A. by plane, two months ago.
2. Robert Harrison went to L.A with a solar backpack.
3. The solar backpack needs the battery.
4. A solar heater was invented before Archimedes used solar energy.
5. There was not a solar cooker in the 1700s.
6. Solar devices didn’t work at night.
7. When a solar heater and cooker were invented, many people bought them.
8. What did Archimedes do with mirrors?
9. When was the solar heater was invented?
10. Why was a solar cooker not popular?
POP Quiz
A small country in Central or South America that relies on the export of fruit. - "blank" Republic
The female Japanese author of <N. P>, <키친> etc The female Japanese author of <N.P>, <키친> etc. 요시모토 "blank"
A boat shaped like this is popular in recreational sports - "blank" boat