Duke Geriatrics Education Center (GEC): 2010-2015 Define delirium…
Duke GEC Establish the Duke Interprofessional Geriatrics Education Resource Hub Develop IP faculty educators Enroll IP learners in didactic and clinical teaching Engage in initiatives to improve care for older adults with or at risk for delirium
“Geriatrics Education Hub” Teachers and learners access materials, methods and minds Built on faculty expertise Available through website and F2F encounters Framework: Foundations for Practice Clinical applications Practice improvement
Established organizational structure Leadership team Needs assessment Evaluation Technology Working teams: Team 1: Foundations in Practice Team 2: Clinical applications Team 3: Performance improvement
Teams Team 1: Review/disseminate resources on delirium Resource reviews Web availability Team 2: Link more learners across professions to more locations Delirium Teaching Rounds Outreach to SNF’s Team 3: Facilitate performance improvement in the recognition of delirium
Learners engaged Total= 744 learners/ 10 professions PA students (74) Nursing: ABSN students (129) GRNs: Cohort 6 (38) APRNs (4) MD Fellows in Geriatrics, Geropsychiatry and Dentistry (12) Internal Medicine residents (191) Medical Students (114) Faculty (67) Pharmacy: Geri pharmacy residents (4) Pharmacy students (15) Physical therapy DPT students (75) Others: Social work, nutrition, speech therapy, health education, administration 6
Evaluation Learners accessing resources, attending conferences, completing modules Measure completion/retention via post-test Learners working in clinical settings Log of learners and cases Performance improvement projects Descriptions of projects and participants Changing practice Chart reviews on clinical units
Key points/questions Much enthusiasm and energy Complex, hard work Small steps, big progress Questions: Linking to community-- opportunities? Reaching a wider audience– technology? Improving care—next steps?