Superman is out protecting the free world


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Presentation transcript:

Superman is out protecting the free world facebook Wall Photos Flair Boxes Superman Logout Superman is out protecting the free world Wall Info Photos Boxes Back-story Photos Superman was born Kal-El on Planet Krypton. A meteor shower sent him to a small town in the midwest, where he was adopted by the Kents. Raised as Clark Kent, Superman realized he had some rather unusual superpowers that he used to develop his alter-ego Superman. Clark moved to Metropolis and worked as a reporter for the Daily Planet, where he met Lois Lane. When he heard trouble was brewing, he changed into Superman in a phone booth. As Superman, he battled villains and saved the world under the motto “Truth, Justice, and the American Way.” 2 Albums Beach Fun!!! Updated last Tuesday View photos of Superman (317) Send Superman a message Poke Personal Information The gang Updated two months ago Work: reporter for the Dailey Planet, saving the free world Costume: Blue tights and body suit, yellow “S,” red cape Relationship Status: in a relationship with Lois Lane Sidekick: Jimmy Olsen, cub reporter for The Daily Planet Family: Martha Kent, Jonathan Kent Information Networks: Metropolis, Birthday: June 1938 Alter Ego: : Clark Kent, Kal-El Aliases: Man of Steel Hometown: Planet Krypton Strengths Flying, x-ray vision, faster than a speeding bullet, more powerful than a locomotive, and able to leap tall buildings in a single bound Directions: FILL OUT THE PROFILE FOR THE SUPERHERO THAT YOUR GROUP CHOSE. BE SURE TO FILL OUT ALL OF THE CATEGORIES AND TO WRITE A PARAGRAPH FOR THE BACKSTORY. Weaknesses Friends (406) Kryptonite Groups The Justice League, The Daily Planet, Legon of Super-heroes, Team Superman Villains: Lois Jimmy Pete Lex Luthor, corrupt owner and CEO of LexCorp, former childhood friend of Lex Brainiac, shrunk and stole Kandor, capital of Krypton Perry Lana Lori