On-going Campaigns - fund raised during the reporting period Name of BU Market Reporting Period (2019 Q1/Q2/Q3/Q4) One-off Campaign Name of campaign Type* Campaign period Brief description of campaign mechanics Date of approval by Operation Smile/ASW Total fund raised (Local Currency) Remarks (e.g. expected date of remittance) 1 2 3 4 5 Sub-total On-going Campaigns - fund raised during the reporting period Name of campaign Type* Campaign period Brief description Date of approval by Operation Smile/ASW Total fund raised (Local Currency) Remarks (e.g. expected date of remittance) 1 2 3 4 5 Sub-total Grand total of fund raised in the reporting period (Local Currency) (HKD) Note: *Types of campaigns - (1) Employee Giving Campaign (2) Loyalty Points Donation Campaign (3) Charitable Sales Campaign (4) General Sponsorship Campaign Please refer to Clause 4.1 of the MOU signed between Operation Smile and ASW for full definition)
Media Coverage PR Value No. Publication Date Media(TV/Newspaper/Magazine/Online) Headline PR Value(Local currency) 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 Total PR Value (Local currency) Total PR Value (HKD)
Social Media No. Date Social Media Page/Acc/KOL Name Post Link Reach Engagement 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 Total
Supporting Visuals and Materials POP materials Event photos Product shots Press release News clipping Advertisement Social media post CRM email App/web layout & link Volunteering in-action photos Video links (e.g. event highlight, AR videos if any) Remarks: Please insert the supporting visuals in the PPT slide, AND Put the PPT file, high resolution images, videos and other materials in a folder with your BU name, e.g. “WTC China”/ “Superdrug” Zip the folder and upload to One Drive: https://aswatsongroup-my.sharepoint.com/:f:/g/personal/zoey_aswatson_com/EleCkbgTEtxLuZADDaMozFYBnIlRlE03EVI120WGKODyOg 4. Send an email to ZoeY@aswatson.com If you cannot access to One Drive, please upload to www.wetransfer.com and send to ZoeY@aswatson.com