Title (Tahoma, 88pt) Primary Briefer (Tahoma, 66pt) (list other team members in parenthesis) CTC/Sub-CTC Internal/External Funds Ex: 6.1-6.2 Goal: XXX (Tahoma, 72pt) Title (Arial, 60pt) Title (Arial, 60pt) First year: We are concentrating on the daytime surface layer Field Campaign—Chestnut Site, Kirtland AFB Sub-Title (Arial, 36pt) Bullet (Arial, 24pt) Baseline Model Input Parameters Output (Merit/Cost) Geometry Use this Template (feel free to customize your color scheme, all images & graph axis cleared Dist A) Diffuser Height Power Diffuser Length Efficiency XXXX Title (Arial, 36pt) Part 1—Partitioning Heat Energy More effective optical design Anchoring model with field data Biggest Challenge: Calibration of QWERTY sensor Need recognized by Air Force and DoD Part 2 Notional HEL Part 3—Optical Turbulence Parameters Progress After First Year Related Research Complements Our’s Areas that require further investigation: xxxx yyyyy zzzzz Phased Arrays Research Successful AF and DoD needs define goals Validating a way to predict turbulence caused by Earth’s boundary layer Distribution Statement: DIST X