Jacques Cartier 1534-1541
Early Years Born in France in 1491 1534 he became a sea captain. Encouraged to explore by the voyage of Giovanni Verrazano. Visited North America, Quebec, and Montreal. Cartier died Sep.1 1557, Wednesday morning at 5 o’clock.
Exploration Explored to find gold and other diamonds and jewels. Cartier’s sponsoring country is France. Also explored to claim land for France. Traveled through Labrador, St. Lawrence River, Sagenay River. First voyage he used the route of John Cabot. Cartier claimed the St. Lawrence River for France.
Map Explored between 1534 to 1541.
Encounters with Natives Cartier met a tribe of Natives called the Micmacs and traded with them. Cartier also met a group of Iroquois called the Hurons who helped guide him through the area. With their help he reached the sites of today’s Quebec and Montreal. The Huron chief , Donnacona and other natives told Cartier of gold and other treasure. Cartier kidnapped Donnacona and his sons and took them back to France as interpreters.
Interesting Facts While exploring he wrote down very important things for future maps. Most of his men had scurvy. Scurvy is a sickness made by a lack of vitamin c. After Cartier died he still believed that St. Lawrence led to China.
Credits By: Macy Hawkins and Brook Lohse http://www.visitusa.com/newyork/rivers/index.htm http://concise.britannica.com/ebc/art-55265/Jacques-Cartier http://www.idea-international.org/default.aspx?l=2&p=80 http://www.allposters.com/-st/Explorer-Posters_c12541_p3_.htm