Producing Circuit Boards Nov 15 / 16 Act B23 Producing Circuit Boards LEARNING TARGET: I can create a viable circuit board and discuss the environmental impacts of the toxic waste created during the etching process. CHALLENGE Q How is a computer circuit board produced? VOCAB: next slide
chemical reaction - circuit board - Etch – toxic reactants = new chemical (product) plastic "card" with metal parts "welded" to it "subtracts" unwanted metal leaving circuit (path) poison
DISCUSSION Conductivity review: will the light bulb light if: - the two clips touch? - a piece of plastic is inserted in between the clips? - a piece of copper-coated plastic is placed between the clips?
PROCEDURE AND DATA – day 1 MATERIALS: PROCEDURE: Read part A only on pg. B-55-56 and summarize DATA: 1. Drawings of possible circuit path 2. NOTE time in which copper chloride was added to the circuit boards POST DISSCUSION Prediction: What types of designs will work to make a successful circuit board?? need a “complete” circuit (complete path from one side to other side)
Not Supposed to Happen!!! What Happened??? 2 1 3 DAY 2 Not Supposed to Happen!!! What Happened???
Review Discussion Last class we drew a design using a sharpie onto a copper- coated piece of plastic and then placed the plastic into a copper chloride solution. Explain the process: What is the copper-chloride etching solution doing to the copper-coated plastic AND what is the role of the sharpie design. What is the reason behind doing this all in the first place??
PROCEDURE AND DATA - day 2 MATERIALS: PROCEDURE: Read part B on pg. B-56 and summarize DATA: WS 23.1 Comparing Materials
blue liquid turned green POST DISCUSSION – waste produced? What changed about the copper chloride etching solution during the etching process? What do you think happens when the copper-plated pieces are placed in copper chloride? What should be done with the used copper chloride etching solution? blue liquid turned green parts of the copper disappear Considered a hazardous/toxic waste
ANALYSIS - Discuss and answer Q 1 & 3 on pg. B- 59 ANS CHALLENGE Q How is a computer circuit board produced? A: 1st - print a circuit pattern on copper coated plastic plate 2nd – then copper will chemically etch away leaving circuit “path” HOMEWORK 1. Read Pt B pgs. B56-58 2. Catch up on journal