Orientation and Updates VACS Scientific Meeting Houston, TX February23rd and 24th 2004
Orientation Introductions Host site Agenda Book Handouts CAB Coordinators, Asst. Coordinators Site PI/CoPI Alcohol Committee Steering Committee Scientific Consultants Host site Agenda Book Handouts
General Updates Website: vacohort.org New password protected area (slides here) Enrollment at 91%--Coordinators take a bow! Authorship and Substudy Policy Data Analysis Requests Pending Grants VA HSR&D Center of Excellence Career Development Awards Kris Ann Ousler Shawn Fultz
Data Sharing Issues Working with Bopper Deyton to clarify rules in light of HIPPA Only HIPPA de-identified data can be shared For all other approved analyses requests, West Haven or a named study investigator must conduct the analyses Data tables can be shared
Upcoming Events Blood banking Provider Focus Groups VA, Pharmaceutical, and NIAAA funds MAVERIC Mark Holodniy reviewing consent language Provider Focus Groups Year 3 Survey (to begin September 1)