Writing the Body Paragraphs Grade 6
Argument Writing Standards Write arguments to support claims with clear reasons and relevant evidence. Produce clear writing in which the development, organization, and style are appropriate to task, purpose, and audience. Support claim(s) with clear reasons and relevant evidence, using credible sources and demonstrating an understanding of the topic or text.
Explicit Instruction DIRECTIONS Read the articles Positive Advertising in Schools and Ad Bombardment which are all about advertisements in schools. WRITING PROMPT Write to argue whether or not it is acceptable for companies to advertise in schools. Your essay must be based on ideas and information that can be found in the passage set.
Explicit Instruction Manage your time carefully so that you can: read the passages; plan your response; write your response; and revise and edit your response. Be sure to: use evidence from multiple sources; and avoid overly relying on one source. Your response should be in the form of a multi-paragraph essay. Write your essay in the space provided.
Body Paragraphs Integrating Evidence and Elaboration Topic Sentence Addresses the prompt Tied to the thesis statement Evidence Supports the topic sentence – comes from the text Elaboration Adds to the evidence – anecdotes, definitions, statistics/facts, examples, explanations, additional details Transitions Internal External Wrap-Up Sentence
Modeled Instruction Thesis: Companies should have access to schools to advertise because the ads promote academic success and community outreach. School ads geared towards academics offer many opportunities that students might not otherwise know about. Students often wonder how to get the extra support they need to pass classes like math and English. The author of “Positive Advertising in Schools” suggests that ads for tutoring can help students know when and where tutoring sessions take place which helps point students in the direction to get the support they need. Students looking to further their education can reference advertisements focused on local and state colleges that are posted around the schools. The author of “Ad Bombardment” suggests that colleges give away free merchandise to high school students which they then wear and further the advertisement of the college.
Modeled Instruction Thesis: Companies should have access to schools to advertise because the ads promote academic success and community outreach. Additionally, company advertisements, like those from animal shelters, food panties, and the military, all promote ways for students to give back to the community. The author of “Positive Advertising in Schools” says that students can earn volunteer hours at places like animal shelters, and animals without homes can even get adopted if a student goes home and tells his or her parents about an advertisement that he or she saw at school; it’s a win-win situation. Another way to give back to the community, not to mention to earn a living, is by joining the military. Some ads promote an alternative to a four-year college, such as the military. The author of “Ad Bombardment” indicates that many recruiters list important information on military ads with the number to call if the student has questions. Ads that focus on giving back to the community do not cause any harm to students, so they should be allowed in schools.
Guided Practice Write to argue whether or not it is acceptable for companies to advertise in schools. With your partner, come up with topic sentences to support the prompt. Then, find evidence to support your topic sentences. Discuss how to elaborate upon your evidence. Be prepared to share out.
Independent Practice Write to argue whether or not it is acceptable for companies to advertise in schools. Independently, write your body paragraphs. Use your handout as a reference.