Delaware Hayes High School College Credit Plus Procedures & Offerings
Athletic Eligibility Student athletes should: Confirm their school is an Ohio High School Athletic Association (OHSAA) member Learn the OHSAA requirements Each student-athlete must be enrolled in 5 solid courses to participate. Each 3-semester hour college course counts as two solids for athletic eligibility.
Athletic Eligibility Student athletes should: 3. Know that summer term CCP courses may not be used to bring a student into compliance with the OHSAA requirements for interscholastic athletic participation
Hayes High School CCP Courses Wright State (12 credits - TENTATIVE) Spanish 4/Beginning Spanish II & Intermediate Spanish 1 (6 credits) French 4/Beginning French II & Intermediate French 1 (6 credits) Marion Technical College Block (12 credits) First Semester: Oral Communications and Sociology (3 credits each) Second Semester: Psychology and Ethnic & Cultural Diversity (3 credits each)
Hayes High School CCP Courses Marion Technical College Photography 2/Digital Image Manipulation (3 credits) Columbus State Principles of Business (3 credits) Financial Accounting (3 credits) Management Principles (3 credits) Marketing Principles (3 credits)
Introduction to Business Introduction to Marketing Introductory course to a wide range of business topics! Introduction to Marketing Market a product! Sports marketing, buyer behavior, market research and much more!
Columbus State Delaware Campus CCP Courses CSCC is working to offer some courses that are typically taken by high school students in the AM and PM.
Hayes High School AP Courses AP Language & Composition AP Literature & Composition AP Calculus AB AP Calculus BC AP Statistics AP Computer Science AP Biology AP Chemistry AP Environmental Science AP Physics 2 AP Physics C: Mechanics AP European History AP US History AP Government AP Psychology AP Art History AP Studio Art AP French & Language Culture AP Spanish & Language Culture
AP vs. CCP CCP AP AP College course/Dual credit College Level Transfers to any public college, most private colleges in Ohio Grade determines credit Semester courses Good for in-state, students who are sure of direction Weighted grade AP College Level AP College Level Can be used for “credit by exam” Test score, not grade determines credit Year Long Standard Curriculum Good for out-of-state, highly selective Weighted grade
Steps to CCP Notify your Dempsey counselor or the Hayes College & Career Counselor by April 1st of your intent to participate by completing the INTENT TO PARTICIPATE FORM. Dempsey Counselors Ms. Ziegler – Upcoming Grade 7 Mrs. Nicely – Upcoming Grade 8 Hayes College & Career Counselor Mrs. Pollard – Upcoming Grades 9 - 12
Steps to CCP Apply to college of your choosing by college assigned deadline. (Many are May 1st.) Show proof of academic college-readiness & college’s admission standards. Send ACT/SAT scores or Accuplacer score Dan Morrison will be doing an ACT Prep Workshop Feb 5th from 9:30 - 11:30 AM during the PD Day. Cost is $20. Have your counselor send your transcript
Steps to CCP Complete any additional paperwork or online requirements, such as: Counselor Form & Consent Form Wright State Math test waiver for (for World Languages offered at Hayes) Wright State Online Writing Test (for World Languages offered at Hayes)
Steps to CCP Attend a college orientation session in person or online, if required by the college Register for the appropriate classes based on counselor and college advisor recommendation. Some colleges, such as Columbus State, require a course registration form. This form MUST be completed for FALL Semester 2019 by JUNE 6, 2019.
The Good, the Bad, & the Textbooks CCP is a process of application, testing, registration, requesting books, taking classes, reporting grades…you must stay organized and meet your deadlines! It is best if you know your pathway to ensure the courses you take will benefit you and can be transferred into your course of study. Textbooks are ordered differently depending upon the institution. Families are required to pick up textbooks if they cannot be delivered to your home. Textbooks are to be retuned to Mrs. Pollard, the College & Career Counselor, immediately after the semester ends (unless otherwise directed).
See the CCP Website for additional information! Hayes CCP Website See the CCP Website for additional information!