The Renal System
Objectives State the structures that make up the renal system Describe the function of the renal system Name and describe common disorders associated with the renal system
Structures Includes: Kidneys Ureters Bladder Urethra The renal system controls urinary production to rid the body of waste products within the bloodstream
Kidneys Two organs located in the dorsal abdomen on either side of the spine Produce urine Reddish brown in color and are ben shaped and smooth Cows are the only animal species that have lobed kidneys rather than a smooth surface Each kidney has a renal artery and renal vein that are located in the center of the kidney and allow blood flow through the renal system 20-25% of body’s blood flows through the kidneys
Ureters Center of each kidney is a tube that filters urine out to the bladder Tube is the ureter Made of smooth muscle and pushes urine out of kidneys through contractions
Urinary Bladder Ureter connects to the urinary bladder Hollow organ that holds urine by expanding and stretching Bladder holds large amounts of urine based on the size of the animal 25lb dog has a bladder that can hold about 100ml of urine
Urethra Bladder connect to the urethra Muscular tube that allows urine to flow to the outside of the body for elimination Males typically have longer and narrower urethra than females Male animals are more prone to urinary obstructions
Common Diseases and Conditions
Urinary Incontinence Uncontrolled leaking of urine from the bladder More frequent in females that are seniors and have been spayed Commonly occurs during sleeping It is the inability to control the sphincter muscles within the bladder Many animals respond to treatment with medication of a natural hormone supplement of estrogen
Urinary Blockage Caused by several conditions One condition is uroliths (bladder stones) that form within the urinary bladder, ureter or urethra and cause an obstruction Diet is the common source for bladder stone formation Radiographs can be helpful in diagnosis of the condition and many animals may need surgical removal Dalmatians have genetic urolith condition Can’t metabolize uric acid which forms bladder stones