and e-Safety @HendreInfants Parent Presentation @HendreInfants and e-Safety
ine, What is ? Hwb is a secure digital learning platform which is free to use for all pupils in Wales. It is accessed via this website: (Or type “Hwb” into a search engine, such as Google!) It can be accessed on computers, phones and tablets.
Every child has their own Hwb login. This allows them to: ine, What is ? Every child has their own Hwb login. This allows them to: Access a free online version of Microsoft Office, including Word and PowerPoint Access educational software such as “Just2Easy” Save their work in a safe, online space. Make safe Internet searches and much more! Contact your child’s teacher if you are unsure of your child’s login details.
in Why use ? Welsh Government have invested lots of money into developing Hwb. Using Hwb ensures that every child has the same opportunity to improve their digital skills. Your child will use Hwb in the Infants, the Juniors and in the Comp.
Don’t let anyone else use yours! In E-Safety and Your child has their own login and password. We teach children that passwords are like toothbrushes: Password! Don’t let anyone else use yours!
E-Safety and Internet Searches: In “Ki E-Safety and Internet Searches: Even with “kid-safe” or “child-friendly” settings, sometimes children find things online that are inappropriate, upsetting or scary.
We teach our children about Smartie the penguin: In “Ki E-Safety and We teach our children about Smartie the penguin:
In “Ki E-Safety and The key message is that children should tell someone if they see something on the Internet that they know isn’t right:
In “Ki E-Safety and Occasionally, even innocent searches on sites like Google can bring up unexpected results which may not be suitable for children to see. If your child needs to find out information about anything, Hwb provides a safe way of searching through “Encyclopaedia Britannica” or “ImageQuest”.
In “Ki All results will be appropriate. Click on “space station” and you will see:
Child-friendly, safe results. In “Ki Child-friendly, safe results.
Hwb “ImageQuest” search for “Mermaids”: In “Ki Hwb “ImageQuest” search for “Mermaids”:
Google search for “Mermaids”: In “Ki Google search for “Mermaids”: The Google search isn’t strictly inappropriate, but some people may not want their children to find topless images, even if it is of a mermaid! The Google search isn’t strictly inappropriate, but some people may not want their children to find topless images, even if it is of a mermaid!
In “Kisupervised Unsupervised visit to Caerphilly? We would expect most parents to say they would NOT send their Infant child to Caerphilly town centre without an adult.
It’s a good idea to supervise all visits. In “Ki Our online world is still a world It’s perfectly acceptable, and even advisable, to insist children use electronic devices that connect them to the online world, only when in the same room as you or another responsible adult. That way, you are on hand to intervene if necessary or to answer any questions your child may have. It’s a good idea to supervise all visits.
In “Ki It’s perfectly acceptable, and even advisable, to insist children use electronic devices that connect them to the online world, only when in the same room as you or another responsible adult. It’s perfectly acceptable, and even advisable, to insist children use electronic devices that connect them to the online world, only when in the same room as you or another responsible adult. That way, you are on hand to intervene if necessary or to answer any questions your child may have.
In “Ki That way, you are on hand to intervene if necessary or to answer any questions your child may have. It’s perfectly acceptable, and even advisable, to insist children use electronic devices that connect them to the online world, only when in the same room as you or another responsible adult. That way, you are on hand to intervene if necessary or to answer any questions your child may have. In “Ki More information on e-safety: On Hwb – search e-safety for parent guides.