@Family Studies & Community Services@ Welcome ! ~Family and Consumer Sciences~ *Teen Discoveries* #FACS# @Family Studies & Community Services@ *Child Development* #Life Connections#
About Me Mrs. Valinda Nelson (But everybody calls me Lisa!) Taught 27 years Pre-K - Adults 3rd year as a Rebel! Teenagers and the FACS world are my favorites!
What To Expect This Year Cooking (all classes) Sewing (all classes) Crafts (all classes) Technology integration (all classes) FCCLA (optional for all) Field Trips! (some classes) Projects (all classes) Lots of Learning (all classes) Learning about children (all classes)
Communication Email – nelsonv@coffeecounty.k12.al.us Remind - see individual class codes Website - http://bit.ly/ZCFACS Newsletter - on Website Progress Reports / Report Cards Parent/Teacher Conferences - as needed Cell 334-494-5476 (prefer text - will respond as needed)
Classroom Policies and Procedures Please make certain to read our handouts that will come home the first week of school. ~~~PLEASE sign and return asap.~~~ These will also be posted on the school website. If you have questions or concerns, please contact me immediately!
Homework At times projects will be required. These might include: cleaning cooking laundry babysitting Please help me help your child to help YOU!
Spotlighting Our Curriculum
FACS FACS is short for Family and Consumer Science. It is the foundation course. We introduce many skills that are part of the wide world of Family and Consumer Science.
Child Development Child Development class will focus on the developing child. We will spend time observing and working with young children. There will be projects developed based on interests.
Teen Discoveries Teen Discoveries opens the door to the world of teens as we focus on peer- pressure and relationships, personal responsibilities, manners and etiquette, cooking, sewing, clothing, child care, housing, and careers.
FSCS i and ii Family Studies and Community Services looks in-depth at 2 stages of life; childhood and the elderly. We will research these ages, look at problems associated with each, and plan activities appropriate for the stage. We plan to visit the Sr. Citizen Center and develop relationships with the population there.
Life Connections Life Connections is a specialized course in which we focus on the life span and life cycle. Students will Develop a career plan, portfolio, and résumé based on personal interests and abilities. We will have guest speakers and possibly a field trip.
Testing Quizzes throughout the grading period to assure students are understanding the material. Some are formative and will not negatively affect the grades. (think pre-tests) Many are summative and will be used as part of the report card grade. (think post tests, safety quizzes, 9 weeks exam, etc.) Projects will be a MAJOR part of your child’s grade. Details will follow! The 9 Weeks Exam counts as 15% of the overall grade!
Absences & Tardies Please see school-wide Good Standing Policy We will follow it strictly!
(Career Technical Student Organization… or Club) FCCLA The CTSO for FACS (Career Technical Student Organization… or Club) $15 to Join (National, State, Local) Meetings (School day and after school) Projects, competitions, field trips, community service
Thanks ! I look forward to working with you and your child this year. It is going to be a wonderful year filled with exciting learning activities!