Your Partner in Community & Infrastructure Development Presented by Bette Brand Administrator Rural Business-Cooperative Service Rural Development Guarantees are more than just manufacturing & hotel loans! USDA Rural Development Your Partner in Community & Infrastructure Development
Loan Guarantee Programs to Expand Your Portfolio Business and Industry Loan Guarantee Program (B&I) Rural Energy for America Loan Guarantees (REAP) We can help you find creative ways to finance projects that may not be eligible for CF financing such as for-profits and small telecoms where it would not be cost feasible under RUS Programs.
Center for Family Health Jackson, Michigan $7,280,000 B&I Loan
Chugwater Telephone Company B&I Loan Guarantees Chugwater Telephone Company Chugwater Telephone Company Chugwater, WY $1,600,000 Providing Broadband
The Escanaba & Lake Superior Railroad Company $6,067,000 B&I Loan in Michigan Debt Refinance & Equipment Purchase
York Haven Hydroelectric Plant York Have Hydroelectric Plant York County, Pennsylvania $4,000,000 B&I Loan to purchase and replace eight turbines in a historic dam Purchase/Install Equipment & Turbines
Tiger Transfer Business & Industry Loan Guarantee Program Upton, Wyoming $5,000,000 B&I Loan for debt refinance and real estate purchase
Synergetics Rural Energy for America Loan Guarantee Program Synergetics, LLC Starkville, MS Numerous REAP B&I Guaranteed Loan & Grant Combos
USDA Rural Development OneGuarantee RD is combining four guaranteed programs into a single regulation: 1) Water & Waste Disposal; 2) Community Facilities; 3) Business & Industry; and, 4) Rural Energy for America. Purpose: Improve customer experience Improve access to capital by reducing regulatory burden Improve operational efficiencies & cross-program coordination To integrate innovation in the delivery of loan guarantees and align with lending industry practices Pave the way for modern processing & servicing to improve portfolio management To provide better consistency for you, our lenders. Listening session for public input coming up:
Secondary Market Sales Active Secondary Market for both B&I and REAP Loan Guaranteed Loans We’re looking for your input on how to make it a more robust, active and profitable market. There is currently an active secondary market for all Rural Development Loa Guarantees. We know that approximately 40% of B&I Loan are sold. We think that’s low. What are your thoughts on increasing participation in the secondary market?
Lenders interested in participating in the USDA Rural Development business programs should contact our Business Programs Director in the state where the project is located. Or go to: Or call 1 (800) 670-6553 (toll free) USDA is an equal opportunity provider, employer, and lender.