Quarter 4 week 2
Lightning time Reviewing for final exams!!! You will each get a released question, it is up to you to answer it the best you can and be ready to present your question, answer, and an explanation of the concept being addressed
Monday may 1 – may day! Reminders: Unit test May 9 – that review packet will help you study! Also, weebly has lots of study options too! May 17th = next current event Review Paideia notes from Thursday – make sure analysis questions are complete
Finding lost children investigation 68 & 70 Go back to activity 68, and let’s do the blood typing analysis for each child and the parents – record everything on the packet! Once completed, do the Dna fingerprinting activity (70) and record results/analysis in your notebook
Tuesday may 2 – genetic conditions research project Review project description Show examples of projects Choose and begin research on genetic conditions
Wednesday may 3 Continue researching genetic condition Transition to creating your visual display (fakebook, discovery ed board, digital brochure, etc)
Thursday may 4th Finish project! Presentations begin tomorrow can’t wait to learn about all thing genetic!
Friday may 5th Present projects! Have your rubric ready to deliver to me before you present Happy Friday!