MACROS MUST BE ENABLED FOR THIS FILE TO WORK Edit textboxes in edit mode. MACROS MUST BE ENABLED FOR THIS FILE TO WORK In PPT 2002/2003: - Choose Tools | Macro | Security. - On the Security Level tab, click Medium. - Close all open dialog boxes. NOTE: When user opens a file that contains macros, PPT will display a warning dialog box and offer the choice to enable the macros or not. In PPT 2007/2010: - Choose Office Button | PowerPoint Options | Trust Center | Trust Center Settings. - Click Macro Settings. - Click Disable all macros with notification. NOTE: When user opens a file that contains macros, PPT will display a bar beneath the ribbon with the text “Security Warning: Macros have been disabled” and an Options... button. Users should click Options... then click Enable this content to permit macros to run. Start Question 1 ? Lose Turn ? Play Again ? ? The Board ? ? Play Again Lose Turn Board Game with 2 teams – Uses: Create a board game within your presentation, in which two players or teams move around the board or towards a finish square. Board squares are editable and may be used to create your own fun and exciting board game. To Operate: In Slideshow view, click on the die (numbered square in the lower left of the slide) which will randomly select a number between one and six. This represents the numbers of squares a player or team can move on the board. Count the number of squares and click on the appropriate (red/blue) marker on that square. When you move a marker to a new position on the board, the previously positioned marker disappears. The reset button places the markers back on the Start square. IMPORTANT NOTE: MACROS MUST BE ENABLED FOR THIS FILE TO WORK. In Edit view, reference macro enabling instructions to the right of this slide. To Edit the board: While in Slideshow view, click on the text in the yellow squares, highlight the text and begin typing. We recommend using this programs navigation feature with this slide, which will enable the presenter to access the slide at any point in their presentation and then easily return to their place within the presentation using the Last Slide Viewed button. Note: “Advance Slide on mouse click” has been turn off to avoid inadvertently advancing to the next slide. To turn it back on go to Slide Transitions and under Advance Slide check “On mouse click”. ? ? ? ?